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3. Time of Performance. The services to be performed hereunder by the <br />Consultant shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their <br />expeditious completion and best carry out the purposes of the agreement. The cost <br />allocation plan, based upon the previous year's audited expenditures, will be available by <br />March 31 of each of the three succeeding years, for your review and our negotiation with <br />Federal and State representatives. <br /> <br /> 4. Compensation. The County agrees to pay the Consultant a sum not to exceed <br />ten thousand, five hundred dollars ($10,500), for each fiscal year, for all services required <br />herein to complete the respective cost plan, which shall include reimbursement for <br />expenses incurred. Consultant agrees to complete the project and all services provided <br />herein, for said sum. The fee will remain the same throughout the three year term of this <br />contract, unless the scope of the project is amended in writing by the County. Any and all <br />changes will be accomplished in accordance with Paragraph 6 of this contract. <br /> <br />FYE 6-30-99 <br /> <br />FYE 6-30-00 <br /> <br />FYE 6-30-01 <br /> <br />$10,500 $10,500 $10,500 <br /> <br /> 5. Method of Payment. The Consultant shall be entitled to payment in accordance <br />with the provisions of this paragraph. The Consultant will be entitled to a fixed amount as <br />indicated above. Consultant's fees are due upon the rendering of a bill upon the <br />completion of the cost plan tbr each year. <br /> <br /> 6. Changes. The County may, from time to time, require changes in the scope of <br />the services of the Consultant to be perforated hereunder. Such changes, which are <br />mutually agreed upon by and between the County and the Consultant, shall be incorporated <br />in written amendment to this agreement. <br /> <br /> 7. Services and Materials to be Furnished bv the County. The County shall <br />locally furnish the Consultant with all available necessary information, data, and material <br />pertinent to the execution of this agreement. The County shall cooperate with the <br />Consultant in carrying out the work herein and shall provide adequate staff for liaison with <br />the Consultant and other agencies of County government. <br /> <br /> 8. Termination of Agreement for Cause. If, for cause, the Consultant shall fail <br />to fulfill in timely and proper manner his obligations under this agreement, the County <br />shall thereupon have the right to terminate this agreement by giving written notice to the <br />Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least five (5) <br />days before the effective date of such termination. <br /> <br /> <br />