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Section 1 <br />Executive Summary <br /> <br />In 1998, the Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) retained <br />Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) to prepare a 201 Facility Plan addressing the <br />wastewater collection and treatment needs for Cabarms County. This document <br />was prepared in March of 1998 and includes a 20-year plan for meeting the area's <br />needs. The recommendations from this Facility Plan were included in a Capital <br />Improvement Program (CIP) adopted by WSACC. The CIP includes interceptor, <br />pump station, and treatment plant projects designed to meet the 20~year needs of <br />Cabarrus County and neighboring regions. <br /> <br />Included in this plan is a project designed to meet the needs of the Adams Creek <br />basin. This basin is located in the eastern part of the county and contains a <br />portion of the Town of Mt. Pleasant. Mt. Pleasant is a member utility of WSACC. <br />The town owns and operates a wastewater collection system. Wastewater <br />generated in the Adams Creek basin is pumped into the next drainage basin where <br />it is collected and transported via WSACC's interceptor and pumping system and <br />is treated at the Rocky River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), <br />owned and operated by WSACC. <br /> <br />The Adams Creek basin also contains the growth corridor located between Mt. <br />Pleasant and the City of Concord. The basin is expected to see substantial growth <br />over the next 20 years. It is slated to be zoned medium-density residential per the <br />county land use plan and is planned to receive public sewer service. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County is seeking State Grants and State Revolving Funding for the <br />Adams Creek interceptor. This interceptor consists of 24- and 30-inch gravity <br />sewers with 8- and 10-inch branch sewers serving existing facilities. The project <br />is sized to handle projected build-out flows for the entire service area. Under year <br />2020 conditions, the pipe will flow approximately 45 percent full. The project <br />will eliminate three existing pump stations, two of which are over 50 years old <br />and subject to failures and overflows. It will also eliminate the existing Mt. <br />Pleasant High School WWTP. This is a 12,000-gpd package treatment plant that <br />discharges into Adams Creek. The facility has had NPDES permit violations in <br />the past. <br /> <br />The Adams Creek interceptor compares favorably with the No Action alternative. <br />Under the No Action alternative, the existing pumping and treatment facilities <br />will remain on-line. In addition, the area is not suitable for individual septic <br />systems or land application systems. Therefore, small package treatment plants <br />would need to be implemented to serve the area. These small plants would all <br />discharge to tributaries of Adams Creek. <br /> <br />ODI~ Camp Dresser & McKee ~'~_ ]~ 1 <br /> <br /> <br />