Laserfiche WebLink
TREE DEFECTS, <br />Rate defect severity: S severe defect, high potential for failure <br />M defect ol moderate severity <br /> <br /> L defect of Iow severity <br />LEAX: /~/~.,deg. from'vertical ,~natural [~unmtural Soilheaving: Y <br />Decay in plane of lean: Y ~l,? Roots exposed: Y <br /> <br />Compounding factors: , <br />ROOT DEFECTS: <br />Suspect rootrot: Y~ MushroomJconkprese,t: Y~_,,-~ ID: <br />E~osed roots: S M~'-U~ldermined: S <br />Root pruned: ft from trunk Root area affected: __ <br /> <br />Restricted root area: S M L Potentialfor root lailure: S <br /> v <br />CROWN OEFECTS: <br /> <br />Leansevedty: S M L <br /> <br />% Buttre. ss wounded: Y N When: <br /> <br />DEFECT ROOT CROWN TRUNK SCAFFOLOS BRANCHES <br />Poor tap,er ... <br />,M. ultiple attachments ~ ~ .,, <br />Excessive end weighl <br />Cracks/SpJits .... <br />Hangers <br />Girdling <br />Wounds <br />Decay I ..... <br />Cavity <br />Conks/~ushroom$ <br />Bleeding <br />Loose]crackec~ bark I I <br />Nesting hole,,bee h~ve <br />Deadwoo~stubs <br />Borers~ermlies/anls i ., <br />Cankers/gans J <br />~.revious failure <br /> <br />HAZARD RATING <br /> <br />Pad most likely to <br /> <br />Failure Potentiat. 1 /2) 3 Size ol Part: <br /> <br />HAZARD ABATEMENT <br /> <br />'l'arget: I .2~ Hazard Rating:l 2 3 4 5' 6 7~ <br /> <br />Prune: .. remove delect~ve pan .. reduce endwe~ghl .. CrOwn clean _- th~n '- raise canopy ~ crown reduce []restructure []shape <br />Cable/t~race: Inspect ludher: ~rootcrown []decay []aerial ~mo~mo' <br />Remove~ree:~?) r, Replace? ~"/N ~oveta,gel: Y/'~ Other: <br />Effect on adjacent trees' none' evaluate <br /> <br />COMMENTS <br /> <br /> <br />