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CLOSEOUT PUBLIC HEARING <br /> STAI~ Ey WOI~K.q ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECT <br /> 95-E-019~ <br /> <br />~'On Monday, August 30, 1999 at 6:30 P.M. Cabarrus County will conduct a Closeeut Public Hearing on the Stanley <br />.'Works ED Project. Th/s hearing will be held in the Commission Chambers on the second floor of the Cabarrus County <br />~G~vernmental Building at 65 Church Street South, Concord, N.C. <br />~Ste. nley Works constructed a 628,000 square £~ot distribution facility off Highway 73W appro~mately 2/3 mile west o£ <br />.the Hwy. 73/I-85 intersection. Stanley transferred a number of employees from their existing facility in Charlotte and <br />hired more than 130 persons with at least 61% being Iow- and moderate-income persons. At closeout Stanley had some <br />550 fnll time and more than 100 part time employees at this site. <br /> abarrus County received a $500,000 grant from the (]om r~erce Finance Center of the N.C. Department of Corn m arco <br />~ta construct street improvements, provide a generator; 'and water and sewer improvements. <br /> <br /> · CDBG costs for the project was approx .................................................................................. $500,000 <br /> County contribution approx ...................................................................................................... 650,000 <br /> Stanley Works contribution approx ................................................................................... $20,000,000 <br /> Total ..................................................................................................................................... $21,150,000 <br /> CDBG percentage of total ................ : .............................................................................................. 02% <br /> ~11 interested citizens are urged to attend. <br /> <br />THE <br /> <br />INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />8/18/99 <br /> <br /> <br />