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§161-4.2 CH. 161. REGISTER OF DEEDS §161-5 <br /> <br />§ 161-4.2, Liability insurance for register of deeds. <br /> To the same extent that the county provides liability insurance to <br />other county officers or employees, pursuant to G.S. 153A-97 and <br />160A-167, or 58-32-10, or Article 23 of Chapter 58 of the General <br />Statutes, the county shall provide insurance to the register of <br />deeds. If the county does not provide insurance to any officers or <br />employees, then the county shall notify the register of deeds, in <br />writing, prior to the first Monday in December of each year, of it~ <br />intent not to provide insurance coverage to the register of deeds. <br />This required notification shall be in the form of a letter signed by <br />the chairman of the board of county commissioners, attested by the <br />clerk of the board of county commissioners. If the county fails to <br />provide the required notice, then the county shall be liable for dam- <br />ages that would have been paid had the county purchased the in- <br />surance pursuant to the General Statutes section cited above. <br />(1991, c. 470, s. 1.) · <br /> <br /> Editor's Note. -- Session Laws 1991, upon ratification. The act was ratified <br />c. 470. s. 2. makes this section effective July I. 1991. <br /> <br />§ 161-5. Vacancy in office. <br /> (a) Repealed by Session Laws 1991, c. 60, s. 1, effective April 29, <br />1991. <br /> (al) When a vacancy occurs from any cause in the office of regis- <br />ter of deeds, the board of county commissioners shall fill such va- <br />cancy by the appointment of a successor for the unexpired term, <br />who shall qualify and give bond as required by law. If the register <br />of deeds was elected as the nominee of a political party, the board of <br />county commissioners shall consult the county executive committee <br />of that political party before f. llling the vacangy and shall appoint <br />the person recommended by that committe.efif the party ma~_ .~_. a-' <br />recommendation within 30 days of the °Cct~rrence of the vac~i~y:' <br /> (b) In the interim between a vacancy in the office of register of <br />deeds and the appointment and qualification of a successor register <br />of deeds, under the provisions of subsection (a), any incumbent as- <br />sistant or deputy register of deeds appointed under G.S. 161-6 prior <br />to the vacancy shall continue to hold office as assistant or deputy <br />registers of deeds until discharged or otherwise lawfully relieved of <br />office by the lawful successor to the office of register of deeds. (1868, <br />c. 35, s. 4; Code, s. 3649; Rev., s. 2651; C.S., s. 3546; 1965, c. 900; <br />1975, c. 868, ss. 1, 2; 1977, c. 180; 1981, c. 763, ss. 8, 9, 14; c. 830; <br />1987, c. 196, s. 2; 1989, c. 497, s. 4; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1056, <br />s. 1; 1991, c. 14, s. 1; c. 60, ss. 1, 4.) <br /> <br /> Local Modification. -- Camden: <br />1991, c. 376; Chowan: 1991, c. 376; <br />Pazquotank: 1991, c. 376; Perquimans: <br />1991, c. 376. <br /> Cross References. -- As to valida- <br />tion of acts of assistant and deputy regis- <br />ters of deeds performed pending filling <br />of vacancy in office of register of deeds, <br />see § 161-28. <br /> Editor's Note. -- Session Laws 1981, <br />c. 763, which amended this section, in s. <br /> <br />13 provided: "All local acts in conflict <br />with this act are repealed to the extent <br />of the conflict." <br /> Session Laws 1991, c. 60, s. 3 pro~ddes: <br />~This act does not change the tera~ of <br />registers of deeds presently in off]ce, or <br />the time for election of registers of deeds <br />as previously established by general and <br />local law.~ <br /> Effect of Amendments. -- The 1959 <br />(Reg. Sess., 1990} amendment, effective <br /> <br /> <br />