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- 2 - <br /> <br />Lying and being in Ward NO. 2 of the City of <br />Concord on the south side of T&rlton Stree~l <br /> <br />BEGINNING at an iron stake on the south side <br />of Tarlton Street, corner of J. C. Lips, and <br />rune N Sl-l/2 E 342.8 feet to an iron stake <br />on the south side of Terlton Street, corner <br />of Miss Fannie Hill; thence with h~r line end <br />the line of O. G. Caldwell and Martha <br />Caldwell S 32 B 229 feet to an iron stake, <br />corner of lot belonging to the estate of J. <br />W. Cannon; thence with the line of the estate <br />of J. W. Cannon S 52 W 298.5 feet to an iron <br />stake on the line of the lot belonging to the <br />estate of J. W. Cannon, corner of W. A. <br />Brown; thence with his line N 38 W 178.7 feet <br />to an iron stake, W. A. Brown's corner; <br />thence S $1-1/2 W 20.8 feet to an iron stake, <br />corner of J. C. Lips; thence with the line of <br />J. C. Lipe N 38 W 50 feet to the BEGINNING. <br /> <br />SECOND TRACT: <br /> <br />Lying and being in Ward 2 of the City of Con- <br />cord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, on the <br />south side of Tarlton Street, adjoining the <br />lands of C. C. Lowrance and others and <br />bounded as follows: <br /> <br />BEGINNING at an iron stake in th~ south edge <br />of Tarlton Street, rear corner of C. C. <br />Lowrance lot, said beginning corner being N <br />50 E 100 feet from the southeast corner of <br />the intersection of North Church Street and <br />Tarlton Street and runs thence with the south <br />edge of Tarlton Street N 50 E 98 feet to an <br />iron stake In the south edge of said street, <br />said stake being S 40-1/2 E 20 feet from the <br />rear corner of the lot known as the J. C. <br />Lips lot; thence S 40-1/2 E 50 feet to an <br />iron stake; thence N 50 E 20.8 feet to an <br />iron stake; the~lce S ~o-~/2 E 5~ feet to an <br />iron stake; thence S 91~ W 11~.8 feet to an <br />iron stake, rear corner of said C. C. <br />Lowrance; thence with the line of said <br />'Lowrance N 40-1/2 w 100 feet to the <br />Beginning. <br /> <br /> <br />