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DRAFT <br /> WHeReAS, ~he subjec~ proper~y is adjacen~ ~o a one ~hou~and Eive hundred <br />{1,S00) ~oo: guyed-tower ~wned by ~he University of North Carolina Center for <br />Public Television and :h~ the close proximity of :he rower :o the proposed <br />public recreational area i~ inherently dangerous ~o park employees0 agents, <br />~aCrons, or ~nv~:ees during maintenance on :he rower, or during adverse <br />weather condi:Eons such as high winds, ~hunders:orms, and ~reezing/:hawing <br />condi:ions~ and <br /> WHSREAS, :he North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services and <br />:he O~f~ce of Juvenile Justice has authorized and approved :he execution of <br />:his ~ns~rumen= for :he purposes herein specified; and <br /> WHE~F~L~, =he execution of :his agreement for and on behalf of ~he S:a:e <br />of North Carolina has been duly approved by :he Oovernor and Council of S:a:e <br />a: a meeting held in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, on :he 7th day <br />of June~ 1999, and <br /> WHEREAS, as Dart of :he mutual undertakings be:ween the Lessor and :he <br /> Lessee, ~he part,es have agreed to the following Terms and Conditions Of :he <br /> hessee's lease Of :he Lessor's property. <br /> NOW, THEREFOR8, ~n consideration of one dollar, =he aforesaid exchange <br /> of interests in real property, and :he further mu:ual terms, covenants and <br /> conditions se: forth here~n, the Lessor and Lessee agree as follows: <br /> I. LEASE OF PREMISES: DESCRIPTION <br /> The Lessor hereby leases and demises unto the Lessee :he premises <br />cons~s:ing of approximately 39.60 acres situated adjacent to :he Stonewall <br />Jackson Training School and Frank Liske Park (the "Park"), as shown on =ha: <br />ma9 ri:led "~roposed Soccer Complex" a=~ached hereto and incorporated herein <br />as Exhibit I (the "Demised Premises"). <br /> I~. T~R~ <br /> The Lease Term shall be for 25 years from the date of execution hereof. <br />The Lessor shall deliver possession of the Demised Premises :o :he Lessee on <br />~he execution dare of this Lease Agreement. Lessee accepts the Demised <br />Premises in i=s exis:ing (i.e., "as is") condition, and Lessee acknowledges <br />that Lessor is no: obliga:ed :o make any improvements :o the Demised <br />Premises. <br /> In the event the Demised Premises or a portion thereof is needed for <br />~evelopmen: by the State or an indust:~/ which will purchase same from the <br />State, this Lease or :hat pot:ion of the Demised Premises &ffec:ed by the <br />developmen: will :erminate. The Lessor will g~ve one hundred eighty (180) <br />days writ:eh no:ice of such need prior to termination. <br /> III. PURPOSE: USE OF PREMISES <br /> The Lessee~ during the lease term, shall use the Demised Premises as a <br />recreational facility, consia~ing of play and prac:ice areas for field sports <br />and related act~v~:ies and events. Lessee shall have overall responsibility <br />for the management of ac:ivi:ies on the Demised Premises, and shall no: allow <br />any uses of the Demised Premises in viola=ion of law, ordinances, or which <br />cons:itutea nuisance :o the use and enjoymen: of adjacent proper:ies. <br /> I: ~s understood =hat Stonewall Jackson students shall be permitted use <br />of :he Demised Premises for athletic purposes. Additionally, i: is unders:ood <br />that Lessee shall close :he Demised Premises Co the general public while <br />maintenance is bein~ performed above the five hundred (500) foo: level on :he <br />nearby tower owned by the University of North Carolina Center for Public <br />Television, or during freezing/thawing weather, wind gusts above =hir:¥ {30) <br />miles per hour, :hunder and lightning storms, or other unsafe condi:ions. <br /> IV. IMPROVEMENTS TO PR~MISES <br /> Lessee is authorized to make certain improvements to :he Demised <br />Premises as necessary for developmen~ and construc:ion of :he recrea:ional <br />facility. These improvements may include al:eration~ in grading and o:her <br />:opographical modifications, curling, irriga:ion, the installation of ligh:s <br />on :he a:hle:ic fields, =rails and any other addi=lonal improvements <br />incidental =o the use of the recreational facility with prOoF au:horiza:Eon <br />from Lessor. TO connect the Demised Premises wi:h the Park, Lessee may remove <br />or relocate :he curren: fence 1ocs:ed between ~he Park and :he Demised <br />Premises. Lessee shall reloca:e presen:l~ exis:~ng nor:h/sou=h and easU/wes: <br />farm roads to a location as shown on Exhibit 1. <br /> V. LESSBE COVENANTS <br /> The perils:er of the demised premises shall at no =ime be 1ocs:ed <br />w~:htn five hundred (S00) fee: of :he base of :he Tower. The Lessee shall <br />cone=ruc: and ~in:ain a six (6) foot high chain link fence bo~h aroun~ :he~ <br />ou=s~de perime:er of =he Demised Premises and also surrounding ~he base o~ <br />:he Tower. I~ ia unders:ood by lessee :ha: :he use of remaining State lands <br />outside :he sex (6) foot high cons=rue:ed fence ~s prohibited. The Lessee <br />shall main:a£n :he Demised Premises and recrea:ional faciliuy En a clean, <br />safe, and at:fac:Eve condlt~on at all ~imes. Lessee shall bear all expenses <br />of maln:enance, repair, and upkeep of :he Demised Premises and facility, and <br />shall be responsible for :he cos= of all utility services :o :he Demised <br />Premises during ~he :erm of the Lease. Lessee agrees :o release, diauharge, <br />indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor from all liabEli=y, claims and ac:ions <br /> <br /> <br />