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14 <br /> <br />Comment: See G.S. 153-43. Compelling the attendance of a member by ordering the sheriff to take him <br />or her into custody is an extraordinary remedy to be used when a member obstinately refuses to attend <br />meetings, for the purpose of preventing action on a proposal. If the board contemplates using this power, <br />it might wisely give absent members notice that their attendance is required by the majority and may be <br />compelled in this manner. <br /> <br />Rule 28. Public Hearings. <br /> <br />Public heatings required by law or deemed advisable by the board shall be organ~zc~ by a :~cc~c.l <br /> <br />fO ~ 7ffi~ t~a~~a~[{~, including the suhect, date, place, and t~me of the <br />he~g. ~or to the begi~ing of the public he~ng, ~e chair may set ~y roles tug,ding ~e len~h <br />of time allo~ed m each spewer, desi~ating r~msentatives m spe~ for l~ge ~oups, ~d other such <br />roles he feels reasonable to conduct the he~ng. At ~e appointed time, the chair shall call the <br />he~ng m order ~d preside over it. ~en the alloaed time expires, the chair shall declare the <br />hearing ended and the bo~d shall res~e the regul~ order of business. <br /> <br />Comment: G.S. 153A-52 provides that public hearing may be held anywhere within the county and gives <br />the board authority to adopt rules governing the hearings. <br /> <br />Rule 29. Quorum at Public Hearings. <br /> <br />A quorum of the board must be present at all public hearings required by law. <br /> <br />Comment: G.S. 153A-52 implies that a quorum of governing board members is necessary for a public <br />hearing by providing that a hearing shall be deferred to the next regular meeting/fa quorum is not present <br />at the originally scheduled time. However, if the board decided to hold a public hearing not required by <br />law to gather a consensus of public opinion on an issue, the hearing could be held at several different sites, <br />with a few members at each site. <br /> <br />Rule 30. Minutes. Minutes shall be kept of all board meetings. <br /> <br />Comment: See G.S. 143-318.10(d) and the discussion of minutes (pages 48-49) in Bonnie E. Davis', <br />Handbook for North Carolina County Commissioners (second edition, revised by Joseph S. Ferrell, <br />Institute of Government, 1985). G.S. 143-318.1 l(d) provides that minutes and other records ofa ~!~ <br />session may be withheld from public as long as such inspection would frustrate the purpose of the ¢i'~ <br />session. <br /> <br />Rule 31. Appointments. <br /> <br />The Board shall use the following procedure to make appointments to fill vacancies in the board <br />itself or in other boards and public offices over which the board has power of appointment. <br /> <br />The chair shall open the floor to nominations, whereupon the members shall put forward and debate <br />names of possible appointees. If the nominations equal the number of openings, the board can <br />accept nominations by acclamation. After the debate, the chair shall call the roll of the members, <br />and each member shall vote. The votes shall not be tallied until each member has voted. <br /> <br /> <br />