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290 <br /> <br />DRAFT <br /> <br />Board as submitted in a letter dated August 18, 1999 from Ms. Dana Nance, <br />Vice Chair of the advisory board, <br /> <br />Lihrsr~ Board o~ T~ustees <br /> <br /> The Board received the recommendation from the Library Board of <br />Trustees for the reappointment of Mr. C. Martin Efird and Ms. Miriam Friday <br />and for the appointment of MS. Linda Taneubaum to the Board of Trustees. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Chairman Barnhart and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to make an exception to the County's <br />Appointment Policy and reappoint Mr. C. Martin Efird (Harrisburg) to the <br />Library Board of Trustees for a term of three years. Further, the Board <br />reappointed Ms. Miriam Friday (Kannapolis} to the Board of Trustees for a <br />term of three years. Both terms of appointment will end on July 31, 2002. <br /> <br /> ~PON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Co~mieeioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board appointed MS. Linda D. Tanenbaum (Concord) to <br />the Library Board of Trustees for a term of three years ending July 31, 2002. <br />Under the terms of the Library Consolidation Agreement, the Concord City <br />Council must concur with the appointment of Ms. Tanenbaum. <br /> <br />~EBENTATIQNS BY BOARD M~MBBRS <br /> <br />with the .~pBcord City Council <br /> <br /> Chairman Barnhart reported that the Mayor and the Concord City Council <br />have invited the Board to have dinner with them on either October 28 or <br />October 7. Board members selected October 28 as the date for the dinner. <br /> <br />Letter Concernin* Licensinu Fee for Pets <br /> <br /> Co~mlssioner Carpenter presented a letter she had received from a <br />concerned citizen regarding the need for a licensing fee for pets and <br />expressing concern about rabies in the county. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTXON of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Privette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board moved to forward the letter to Sheriff Robert <br />Canaday for his review and input. <br /> <br />Chairman Barnhart opened the meeting for informal public comments. <br /> <br /> Ms. Marti Soltis, parent residing in the Odell Elementary School <br />District and an industrial engineer, encouraged the Board to consider the <br />School facility needs and support the construction of quality, long-term <br />school facilities in the county. She stated for the record that the square <br />footage cost for a school would be higher if the school is built with a core <br />capacity of 1200 students and only 800 students are put in the school. <br /> <br /> In response to questions by Co~missioner Fennel, Ms. Soltis indicated <br />that she would be interested in serving on the school construction oversight <br />co~ittee proposed earlier in the meeting. <br /> <br /> Mr. R. V. Blackwelder, father of Debra Duke who resides on Old <br />Concord/Salisbury Road, disagreed with the Sheriff's interpretation of the <br />County's Firearms Ordinance. He complained about a personal firing range <br />located next to his daughter's home and expressed concern for her safety. <br /> <br /> Mr. Hartsell advised that Section 46-2 (b) of the County Firearms <br />Ordinance is ambi~uous and needs to be revised to more expressly identify the <br />land area in which a firearm may not be discharged in the county. <br /> <br /> There was brief discussion regarding the current ordinance, including <br />the growth in the county since the ordinance was adopted in 1967 and the <br />issues of distance and noise. The Board by general consensus asked the County <br />Manager and County Attorney to review the existing ordinance and provide <br />recommended revisions for the Board's consideration. The proposed draft <br />ordinance should be brought back to the Board by the October 18~" meeting. <br /> <br /> Mr. William H. Woodward of 3630 Stonefield Street, Concord, presented a <br />written statement entitled ~Klde First." He stressed the im~ortance of <br /> <br /> <br />