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Joan C. Hathcock <br /> <br />10/21/83 - 6/30/99 <br /> <br />Joan came with the Veterans Service six months after I did so we both started learning as <br />we went. There were no schools as there are now to learn veteran service work so we <br />taught each other. We were just getting ready to go into the EVR (Eligibility Verification <br />Report) season and we managed to get through our first season together without mining <br />any veteran and causing an overpayment. From that day forward Joan has been an <br />important part of our office. Through the years we have shared the good the bad and the <br />ugly. From the deaths of both our parents, her husband and our volunteer Don Fay we <br />have cried together and tried to comfort each other. Her strength and courage was an <br />inspiration to ail. We learned the business and she became very good at it. Joan has a god <br />given ability to comfort the widows we come in contact with and convinced them there <br />was light at the end of the tunnel. We deal with a lot of human suffering and despair. She <br />could make those suffering, feel if only for a moment that someone cared about their <br />situation and would do all they could to see that they got help. Even when she was not <br />able to help, the veterans and widows would thank her for her efforts and caring nature. <br /> <br />We have lost a vital part of our team and will feel it for years to come. We all wish her <br />the best in her retirement and Gods Speed. I would personally like to thank her for all that <br />she did to make the office one of, if not the best in North Carolina. I was honored that <br />you let me call you; friend .... <br /> <br /> <br />