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§ 161-4. Bond required. <br /> (a) Every re~ister of deeds shall give bond with sufficient surety, <br />to be approved by the board of county commissioners, in a stun of <br />not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) nor more than fifty <br />thousand dollars ($50,000), payable to the State, and conditioned <br />for the saffekeeping of the books and records, and for the faithful <br />discharge of the duties o£ his office. <br /> (b) The bond and surety required under subsection (a) shall fur- <br />ther be conditioned for the safekeeping of the books and records, <br />and for the faithful discharge of the duties of office of the register of <br />deeds b.y any incu~, bent assistant and deputy register of deeds ap- <br />pointed prior to the vacancy pursuant to G.S. 161-6 and holding <br />over after vacancy in the office of register of deeds for the interim, <br />as provided in G.S. 161-5(b). (18(;8, c. 35, s. 3; 1876-7, c. 276, s. 5; <br />Code, s. 3648; 1899, c. 54, s. 52; Rev., s. 301; C.S., s. 3545; 1963, c. <br />204; 1965, c. 900; 1969, c. 636.) <br /> <br /> Local Modification. -- Dare: 1907, c. <br />75; Nash: 1955, c. 690. <br /> Cross References. -- A~ to failure to <br /> <br />register instrument az breach of bond, <br />see § 161-14. Az to failure ~o index and <br />cross-index, see § 161-22. <br /> <br />CASE NOTES <br /> <br /> The words "a~d faithfully dis. <br />charge the duties of his office" in the <br />bond of a register of deeds do not <br />refer alone to the safekeeping of the <br />"records and books," but to all other offi- <br />cia! ac~, the nonperformance of which <br />result~ in injury, State ex tel. Kivett v. <br />Young. 106 N.C. 567, 10 S.E. 1019 <br /> <br /> Failure to Give Bond. -- The board <br />of commissioners may dec!are the office <br />vacant for failure of the register to give <br />a sufficient bond. State ex re[. Cole v. <br />Patterson. 97 lq.C. 360, 2 S.E. 262 <br />(18871. <br /> <br /> <br />