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administrative entity, and the other county members may rely. Such person shall be the signatory <br />of this agreement and shall be authorized to execute such other agreements as are necessary for <br />JTPA purposes. <br /> <br />4. DESIGNATION OF CI-HF.F ELECTED OFFICIAL FOR SERVICE DELIVERY AREA <br /> <br />In accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 160A-463(b), the Chairmen (or their designee) of the <br />Boards of Commissioners of the undersigned units of local government shall annually elect one of <br />their number by a vote to serve as Chairman of the Centralina Workforce Development <br />Consortium for a one year term. The Chairman of the Centralina Workforce Development <br />Consortium shall be authorized to represent the Consortium and to act on behalf of the <br />undersigned units of local government with respect to any matters adopted or passed by the <br />Consortium and involving the administration of the JTPA in the Centralina SDA. <br /> <br />ARTICLE IV. DURATION <br /> <br />In accordance with N.C.GS. Section 160A-464(2), this agreement shall become effective on the <br />date of the last chief elected official's signature and shall continue in effect for two years or until <br />otherwise amended. <br /> <br />ARTICLE V. FINANCING/LIABILITY <br /> <br />In accordance with N.C.G.S. Section 160A-464(5), it is anticipated that funding necessary to <br />implement this agreement shall be derived federal grant and/or state funds received through <br />the Governor. In the event it is necessary to appropriate non-federal funds for the purpose of <br />implementing this agreement, the parties agree, as between themselves, that the state fair share <br />allocation fommla shall be used. <br /> <br />The undersigned units of local government hereby acknowledge that they are jointly and severally <br />accountable for liabilities arising out of activities under JTPA and for all funds received by the <br />SDA grant recipient pursuant to JTPA. Liability includes, but is not limited to, responsibility for <br />prompt repayment from non-program funds of any misexpenditures by the administrative entity of <br />the SDA, or any of its subrecipients or contractors, or the WDB. As between the consortium <br />members themselves, liability shall be apportioned in the following manner: (a) to the extent that <br />a particular county benefits from costs disallowed (e.g. an ineligible participant from a particular <br />county received training, the cost of which is subsequently disallowed) that county may be liable <br />for those disallowed costs; (b) any disallowed cost for which the benefiting county cannot be <br />determined shall be divided equally among the undersigned units of local government. <br /> <br />Any entity or joint agency created or designated by this Service Delivery Area, including the <br />Workforce Development Board (WDB) and Administrative Entity shall be considered a public <br />agency for the purposes of the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. <br /> <br /> <br />