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DR FF <br />7.2(C), the Grantee shall, prior to performing any underground construction on <br />County owned right-of-way, streets or roads, receive County approval to <br />construct and the Grantee shall use its best efforts to locate, in advance, <br />any water, sewage, or drainage lines or to any other municipal structures in <br />the streets during the construction due to the presence, negligence, operation <br />or maintenance of the Cable Television System, the sole cost of such repairs <br />including all services and materials will be filed against the Grantee and <br />these charges shall be paid i~mediately or the County may foreclose on <br />performance bonds, or invoke other appropriate sanctions provided for in this <br />Ordinance or in the Franchise. <br /> 7.6 ERECTION, REMOVAL AND COMMON USE OF POLES. <br /> A. Approval for Poles. No poles shall be erected by the Grantee <br />without prior approval of the County with regard to location, height, types <br />and any other pertinent aspect. However, no location of any pole or wire- <br />holding structure of the Grantee shall give rise to a vested interest and such <br />poles or structures shall be removed or modified by the Grantee at its own <br />expense whenever the County determines that the public convenience would be <br />enhanced thereby. <br /> B. Requirements to Use Existing Poles. Where poles already exist for <br />use in serving the County are available for use by the Grantee, but it does <br />no= make arrangements for such use, the County may require the Grantee to use <br />such poles and structures if it determines that the public convenience would <br />be enhanced thereby and the terms of the use available to the Grantee are just <br />and reasonable. <br /> 7.7 CONSTRUCTION REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. <br /> A. Notice of Commencement. Thirty (30) days . prior to the <br />commencement of construction, the Grantee shall provide the County with a <br />written notice of the co~aencement of construction. <br /> B. Progress Reports. Written progress reports shall be submitted to <br />the County thereafter, on a quarterly basis throughout the entire construction <br />process. The County Manager may require more frequent reporting if he/she <br />determines it is necessary to better monitor the Grantee's progress. The <br />Grantee and County shall work cooperatively to establish the content and <br />format of the report. <br /> C. Subscriber Information. The Grantee shall produce an <br />informational document (e.g., door hanger), to be distributed to all residents <br />of the area to be under construction, which shall describe the activity that <br />will be taking place. A copy of this document shall be sent to the County <br />Manager for review. <br /> 7.8 TESTS ~_ND PERFORMANCE MONITORING. <br /> A. Completion Tests. Not later than sixty (60) days after any new or <br />substantially rebuilt portion of the system is made available for service to <br />subscribers, the Grantee shall conduct technical performance tests to <br />demonstrate full compliance with all technical standards contained in this <br />Ordinance and the Franchise, and the technical standards and guidelines of the <br />FCC. Thereafter, the Grantee shall conduct technical performance tests as <br />required by the FCC. <br /> B. Methodology. Such tests shall be performed by, or under the <br />supervision of a qualified registered professional engineer or an engineer <br />with proper training and experience. Upon request, a copy of the report shall <br />be submitted to the Cousty, describing test results, instrumentation, <br />calibration, and test procedures, and the qualification of the engineer <br />responsible for the tests. <br /> C. Test Points. system monitor test points shall be established at <br />or near the output of the last amplifier in the longest feeder line, at or <br />near trunk line extremities. Such periodic tests shall be made at the test <br />points as shall be required by the FCC and/or the Franchise. <br /> D. FCC Tests. In addition to the performance test reports required <br />herein, a copy of any performance test reports required by the FCC shall be <br />submitted to the County upon request. <br /> E. County Required Tests. Whenever there have been similar <br />complaints made or when there exists other evidence, which, in the Judgment of <br />the County, casts doubt on the reliability or quality of the Grantee's system, <br />the County shall have the right and authority to compel the Grantee to test, <br />analyze, and report on the performance of its system. The County may require <br />additional tests, full or partial repeat tests, different test procedures, or <br />tests involving a specific subscriber's terminal. Reports on such tests shall <br />be delivered to the County no later than fourteen (14) days after the County <br />formally notifies the Grastee and shall include the following information: <br />the nature of the complaints which precipitated the special tests; what system <br />component was tested; the equipment used, and procedures employed in said <br />testing; the results of such tests; and methods by which said complaints were <br />resolved. Said tests and analyses may be supervised by a professional <br /> <br /> <br />