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532 <br /> <br />color, religion, sex, disability, national origin, age, or marital status. <br /> XVI. RATES <br /> The County shall have the ability to regulate rates in accordance with <br />Federal law. <br />XVII. FRANCHISE RENEWAL <br /> Subject to Section 626 of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and <br />Competition Act of 1992, as amended, this Franchise may be renewed by the <br />County in accordance with the Ordinance. <br /> XVIII. POLICE POWERS <br /> In accepting this Franchise Agreement, Franchisee acknowledges that its <br />rights hereunder are subject to the police powers of the CoUnty to adopt and <br />enforce general ordinances necessary to the safety and welfare of the public <br />and it agrees to comply with all applicable general laws and ordinances <br />enacted by the County pursuant to such power, as provided in the Cable <br />Ordinance. <br />XIX. FRANCHISE FEE AND PERFORMANCE BOND <br /> A. Franchise Payments. Franchisee shall pay to the County a <br />franchise fee of five (5%) percent of gross annual revenues or the maximum <br />amount permitted by law during the period of its operation under the <br />franchise, pursuant to the provisions of the Cable Ordinance. <br /> B. Bonds. Franchisee shall furnish a construction and performance <br />bond to the County as specified in the Ordinance during the construction of <br />the rebuild in the amount of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). Upon <br />completion of construction, the bond shall be reduced to fifty thousand <br />dollars ($50,000}. The construction and performance bond shall be replenished <br />within ten (10) days of use by the County as specified l~ the Ordinance. <br />Franchisee shall provide such construction bond and performance bond to the <br />County within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Franchise. The <br />County shall certify that the rebuild is completed. Upon receipt of such <br />certification, the Franchisee may reduce the bond. The performance bond <br />should be maintained during the life of the Franchise, to guarantee the <br />faithful performance of all its obligations under this Franchise and the <br />Ordinance. <br />XX. REGULATION <br /> Regulatory Authority. The County shall exercise appropriate regulatory <br />authority under the provisions of the ordinance and this Franchise Agreement. <br />Regulation may be exercised through any duly designated County office or duly <br />established Board or Commission or other body of the County. <br />XXI. REMEDIES - LIQUIDATED DAMAGES <br /> A. Schedule of Liquidated Damages. Because Franchisee's failure to <br />comply with certain material provisions of this Agreement and the Cable <br />Ordinance will result in injury to the County or to subscribers, and because <br />it will be difficult to estimate the extent of such injury, the County and <br />Franchisee hereby agree that the liquidated damages and penalties stated in <br />the Cable Ordinance represent both parties' best estimate of the damages <br />resulting from the specified injury. <br /> B. Violations. For the violation of any of the following, the County <br />shall notify Franchisee in writing of the violation. The County shall provide <br />Franchisee with a detailed written notice of any franchise violation upon <br />which it proposes to take action, and a ninety (90} day period within which <br />Franchisee may demonstrate that a violation does not exist or to cure an <br />alleged violation or, if the violation cannot be corrected in ninety (90) <br />days, to submit a plan satisfactory to the County to correct the violation. <br />If an alleged violation is proven to exist, and no cure or action on a plan <br />acceptable to the County has been received by the County within ninety (90) <br />days, such liquidated damages shall be chargeable to the performance bond as <br />set forth in the Ordinance if not tendered by Franchisee within thirty (30) <br />days. Franchisee may petition the County Commission for relief with just <br />cause. The imposition of liquidated damages shall not preclude the County <br />from exercising the other enforcement provisions of the Cable ordinance, <br />including revocation, or other statutory or judicially imposed penalties. <br />Liquidated damages may be imposed as follows: <br /> 1. for failure to complete construction, construct the institutional <br /> network, or extend service in accordance with Franchise: $200/day <br /> for each day the violation continues; <br /> 2. for failure to comply with requirements for educational and <br /> government access: $150/day for each day the violation continues; <br /> 3. for failure to submit reports, maintain records, provide documents <br /> or information: $50/day for each day the violation continues; <br /> 4. for violation of customer service standards required by this <br /> Franchise, the Ordinance, or required by FCC regulation: $1000 per <br /> standard violated if Franchisee does not meet any customer service <br /> standard for two consecutive quarters; and <br /> <br /> <br />