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ATTEST: <br />/s/ Frankie F. Bonds <br />County clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />/e/ Fletcher L. Hartsell, Jr. <br /> <br />Attorney <br /> <br />534 <br /> <br /> Time Warner Entertainment-Advance <br /> Newhouse <br /> <br />V.Mitchell Roberts, Vice President <br />Operations Time Warner Eneertainment- <br />Advance Newhouse <br />(Note: Appendix A and B are on file in the Office of the County Manager and <br />hereby included by reference as a part of the minutes.) <br /> <br />Recognition of Boy Scout Troo~ <br /> <br /> Chairman Casper recognized members of Boy Scout Troop 600 who were <br />present for the meeting. <br /> <br />Presentation Re~ardln~ the February 24th Referendum - Mr. Prank Clifton <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton commented on the February 24th referendums seeking consent <br />for Cabarrus County to authorize the levy of an additional one cent sales tax <br />and a one percent land transfer tax. He presented information concerning <br />growth in student population and in new residential housing growth in Cabarrus <br />County from 1991/92 through 1997/98. He discussed financial issues, including <br />historical school expenditures, County Reserve Funds, economic growth in the <br />county, recent commercial/industrial projects and future impacts, and the <br />economic impact of the sale of County property and the Fairgrounds property at <br />Highway 601 By-Pass and Cabarrus Avenue West. Mr. Clifton outlined the <br />numerous issues challenging Cabarrus County as it continues to grow, including <br />education, transportation, economic development, environment, infrastructure <br />and quality of life. <br /> <br /> There was discussion by Board members regarding recent advertisements in <br />opposition to the referendums, specifically the inaccuracies in the amount of <br />the land transfer tax and the comparison of Cabarrue County's tax rate with <br />surrounding counties. Board members also discussed the school facility needs <br />and distribution of funds to the school systems. The Board stressed the <br />importance of the citizens going to the polls on February 24. Chairman casper <br />asked that anyone with questions to call Board members or staff for factual <br />information. <br /> <br />Presentation b~ the Committee for Excellence in Education - Mr. J. Ro~ Davis~ <br />Jr.~ Chairman <br /> <br /> Mr. Alex Rankin was present on behalf of Mr. J. Roy Davis, Jr., Chairmau <br />of the Co~unittee for Excellence in Education, who was ill. He discussed the <br />Committee's campaign in support of the referendums to provide alternative <br />sources of revenue to fund school facility needs. Me introduced Mr. Steve Maag <br />who presented a video showing the needs in both the Cabarrus County and <br />Kannapolis City Schools. Mr. Rankin invited the public to a debate on <br />February 19 regarding the referendums and urged everyone to vote on February <br />24. <br /> <br />Resolution Confirmln~ Method of Allocatin~ Proceeds from Additional Sales Tax <br />and Real Property Transfer Tax to the Cabarrus County Schools and to the <br />Kanna~olis City Schools <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Conunissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Carpenter <br />and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following Resolution. <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 1998-07 <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Cabarrus County has traditionally and uniformly <br /> allocated funds to the Cabarrus County Schools and the Kannapolie <br /> city Schools based upon their respective projected and actual <br /> average daily membership (ADM}, actual school system student <br /> populations, as determined and certified to the school <br /> administrative units and to the County Commissioners by the State <br /> Board of Education; and <br /> <br /> <br />