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Page 5 <br /> <br />PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br /> <br /> Uwharrie Homes, Inc. exists to provide residential treatment services (up to 1 <br />year) to adolescent males (ages 10-17), in a structured and consist family-type <br />atmosphere. As a treatment facility, we stdve to provide regular individual and group <br />counseling through area mental health services as well as training in problem solving <br />and conflict resolution. Tutoring, appropriate role modeling, and training in coping skills <br />is also provided. We assist the families by offering training in parenting, supervision, <br />and in using appropriate consequences. It is the ultimate goal of Uwharrie Homes to <br />enable the client and family to function productively and learn to communicate positively. <br />Further, it is our goal for the client to learn to respect authority, himself, and others, and <br />to become a positive, contributing part of society. <br /> Uwharrie Homes maintains a 3500 sq. ft. home located in Albemarle, NC. It <br />consists of 4 client bedrooms, 2 staff bedrooms, 4 baths, kitchen, dining room, living <br />room, and staff office. It functions as the hub of operations with the exception of the <br />clients' educational needs being met at the local public school. <br /> Four Resident Counselors provide supervision to 5 boys on a rotation of 2 <br />counselors on duty for 7 days and off 7 days. The Resident Counselors are responsible <br />for monitoring the clients' behaviors, tracking the clients' progress through the point <br />system, daily interventions concerning each client's individualized treatment goals, <br />tutoring, and general daily operations of the group home. The Resident Counselors are <br />supervised by the Executive Director. <br /> Referrals are made to the Executive Director from Juvenile Court, Mental Health, <br />DSS, schools, and parents. When contact is made, the Executive Director fills out a <br />referral form. If the child appears to be an appropriate referral, a complete application <br />packet is sent to the referral source with instructions to complete and gather the required <br />materials and return it to the Executive Director. Upon receiving and reviewing the <br />application materials, a time is scheduled for the child, parents/guardian, and referral <br />agent to visit the group home. At that time, needs, problems, strengths, and goals are <br />discussed, as well as an admission assessment being completed. If the Executive <br />Director and the referral source feel that the child can benefit from the program, an <br />Admissions committee (Executive Director, Resident Counselors, DSS representative, <br />Albemarle City Schools representative, and Mental Health Case Manager) meeting is <br />scheduled and the case is presented by the referral source to the committee. If the <br />committee is in agreement that the child is an appropriate referral, an admission date is <br />set. If any stipulations are made by the committee, they are to be completed prior to <br />admission. If there is no waiting list, placement usually occurs within a month from <br />referral. <br /> When the child is admitted, he is given an introduction booklet that contains <br />terms used at the group home, explains the level system, and also contains a printout of <br />the Daily Schedule and the house rules. Counselors review the booklet with the client <br />and answer any questions. Clients are placed on a point system and must "bank" points <br />to move up the level system. Points, as well as logical and natural consequences, are a <br />part of the behavior modification system employed at Uwharrie Homes. Points and <br />privileges are earned (or lost) for positive (or negative) behaviors. Clients can also earn <br />regular weekend visits with positive behavior. <br /> <br /> <br />