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PROGRAM SUMMARY <br /> <br />-~ STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: In concise terminology, describe the juvenile problem the program intends to addres~ <br /> Many families in Cabarrus County are experiencing significant life stressors that are translating into significant <br /> family problems. Many of these are single-parent families or blended families. Parents may exhibit a lack of <br />-parenting skills and children may not receive proper supervision because of parent's work shifts. There may be <br /> increased drug and alcohol abuse by the parents and/or children as well as increased school difficulties by the <br /> child. Within this type of environment youth may develop socially inappropriate behaviors and criminal <br /> behaviors which result in involvement and could result in out of home placement in a training school, psychiatric <br /> hospital, child caring institution, group home, or foster home. It appears that some of these delinquent and <br />__ undisciplined behaviors reflect the structural and relationship problems that are occurring with the youth's family <br /> unit. <br /> <br />.__ PROGRAM GOAL: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described ahoy,, <br /> The overall goal of Home-Based Services is to help keep families together while, 1) assisting identified youth in <br /> changing their delinquent and pre-delinquent behaviors, and, 2) assisting families in learning how to effectively <br />-manage behaviors and issues that are affecting the behaviors. <br /> <br /> TARGET POPULATION: Describe the target popula~on and the steps that the program has taken to insure that the target <br />~populatlon is served <br /> The population served by this program is those youth adjudicated delinquent and/or undisciplined and youth-at- <br /> risk. Referrals to the program are made by District Court Judges and Juvenile Court Counselors. <br /> <br /> MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE(S): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific undisciplined <br /> .and/or delinquent behaviors, At a minimum, state anticipated in court referrals, runaway behavior, and school suspensions and <br />~ expulsions. <br /> <br />1. Continue to develop a service plan for 100% of the children in the program. <br />--2. Reduce out-of-home placements so that 87% of the youth served by this program during the year will be in <br /> the home at the end of treatment. <br />3. Continue to reduce youth involvement in the juvenile justice system by 85%. <br />-4. Continue to increase school attendance for youth. <br />5. Decrease school discipline problems while the youth is receiving services in the program. <br />6. Continue to reduce recidivism back into the juvenile justice system for 65% of youth following termination <br />'~ with the service (Promotion of family self-sufficiency). <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: List the data elements and records the program will <br />--maintain to document its effectiveness. <br /> The program maintains budgetary information regarding revenues and expenditures of CBA funds. <br /> Documentation of staff time involved in the program is maintained through the Department of Social Services <br />~-Infocmation System. Client files contain the following information: social history from referring agency, referral <br /> form, application for services, services plan, and case dictation. CBA client tracking forms are also contained in <br /> client file and are submitted to CBA office. In 1990-91 we worked with the Bring It All Back Home Program <br />--(BIABH) from Appalachian State University. They have supplied our staff with training on the use of several <br /> forms and materials they developed to measure program effectiveness. <br /> <br /> <br />