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Indemnlflc~qion sad tlald IlarmJe.sS <br /> <br />The program mai:alit agrees Io al all limes dm. tnI ilia telm of Ibis agfeemenl 1o ~d~l~ ~d hold <br />ha~les~ Ihs Deplll~i,~ut or I1~ Relou~es ll~tl Illblll~. Ions. d~mages, cosls. <br />Depi,~.enl may be tequeslad to pzy by leuon or y cllenl'l lU~e~l personal ~u~, del~, or <br />loss, or d~m~e either while pmlclpzl~I ~ or rtcelvhI Barn ~e p~ se~icu to be ~mhhed by file <br />program ~der ~l] J~eem~f, operated, lease~ cheered ~ od~e~be con~cled For by ~e pcog~ or <br />~y employee who h ~hll~& lawless call~ For ~der ~il a~emefl~; p~vidad, bowev~, ~at the <br /> <br />DepEtmenl ~ ~y ut les o~ce., employees, Ilefl~. a~ <br /> <br />(3rantfe Audll Ren_ulreme~lt <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />If you~ program Js recelvi~g, using, ut expending $25.000. or m~e, ~ tumbled stele ~d ~ede~i ~. <br />which ~cludet Federal pass ~odBb ~, ~ou~h ~U ~o~ a~ement or ~ c~b~on wi~ o~er <br />liars agencies ~ ~te ~lv~tilie~, ~ ludil II ttqu~d o~your b~l~ ~clal slalemen~ ~ proYided <br />by N.C.O.S. 143-~.1, Said audit must be p~p~d h eonf~i~ with 8efl~l acceded eudhb8 <br />st~dar~ for ~cinl audi~ e~ed h "O~ent Audlt~8 S~dMds" issued by ~e Compeller <br />Gene~ of ~e Ufllled 5tales, ~d ~t requ~menta of ~e ~proprlite O~ce of M~agement ~d Budget <br />(O~) C~UI~. Audilg allurements[ ~tlfles mutt meet ~qu~men~ ofO~ Cbcul~ A-12I ~d, if <br />a l~nl [overeat enlt~, ~e N.C. ~gle Audit ~plemeol~l~ Ad of 1917. ~udlls of nongove~enlal <br />entitles, both for-p~fl/~d not-rot-profit, mutt meet tequbem~ oFO~ C~ul~ A. 133. ~e audit <br />fep~ h lo ~ lubmifled to ~e Division o~ You~ Sexiest, ~ well ~ lo o~tr ~lpl~ts u appmp~ate, <br />with~ six m~th~ lost ~e end of your pr~l fiscal ye~. Ifyo~ pro~ b s nontove~enla[ <br />entl~, n copy of fha audh rep~ should aba be tent M Iht O~ce of ~e S~le Auditor ~ c~pllmce with <br />N.C.G.S. 14~-6. I. A co~ctive action plan For any audit ~d~[ should be submi~ed wi~ the audit <br /> <br />Civil ITi_nhl,r Comtfllnnce <br /> <br />For Ihs duration of the Program Alretmenf, the pro,ram agrees lo comply with Title VU of the Civil <br />l~ghls Act of t964 and all requirements Imposed by l'edetal re[ulaflon.t Issued po,usna to that Title. <br /> <br />This agreement may be canceled at any time by either DIER, county commissioner,J, or the pro,am <br />manager, with cause, upon al least 50 days notice, In wrllLog, and delivered by registered mail with return <br />receipt requested or In person, orby mutual consent ofldl patties. <br /> <br /> <br />