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SIX MONTHS MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES STATUS <br /> <br />(Continuation Programs Only) <br /> <br />In the space provided, please list each measurable objective in your current program agreement and indicate the <br />degree to which your program has been successful in achieving them. (Use data from the first six months of the <br />fiscal year.) <br /> <br />1) To provide the vehicle whereby at least 80% of the referred juvenile offenders are held accountable for <br />their actions. <br /> 100% of referred juveniles axe held accountable for rl~mages resulting from their actions. <br /> <br />2) To provide a structure through which 85% of juvenile offenders will interact and contribute positively <br />to their communities through interpersonal and work relationships. <br /> To date, 100% of referred juveniles have interacted and contributed positively. <br /> <br />3) To provided full or partial compensations, from the juw, miles' work and earnings, to 85% of the victims <br />of juvenile crime, as assessed by the Juvenile Court. <br /> To date, all juveniles referred by Court have provided at least partial compensation. <br /> <br />4) To provide the means whereby 85% of the to~al restitution/community service debt incurred by referred <br />juvenile offenders and ordered 10y the court is earned or completed by the juveniles through responsible <br />work activity. <br /> To date, objective outcome has not been finalized due to brevity of program operation. <br /> <br />5) To provide the oppommity for 80% of the referred juvenile offenders to successfully complete their <br />restitution/community service in the time specified by the court, or within the term of their population. <br /> To date, objective outcome has not been finalized dll~ to brevity of program operation. <br /> <br />6) To place 90% ofjuveniles referred at a worksite within three (3) weeks of receiving the referral. <br /> AIl juveniles have been referred to worksite within three weeks. <br /> <br />[--4¢) <br /> <br /> <br />