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PROGRAM SUMMARY <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />Statement of the Problem: tn concise terminology, describe the juvenile justice problem the program intends to address. <br />Duc to the wording of the General Statutes of North Carolina with regard to juveniles, many first-time, misdemeanant <br />offenders are diverted from the traditional court system and often fail to follow through with referrals to community <br />resources. Juvenile Services has little recourse to insure follow through. Provided that the proposed recommendations of <br />the Governor's Commission on Juvenile Crime and Justice are enacted by the legislature, there appears to be an even <br />stronger emphasis for Juvenile Services and the Division of Youth Services to deal more intensively with serious and/or <br />violent youth and on using community resources to work with youth who have committed "less serious" offenses. Also, <br />schools are experiencing increasing suspension/expulsion rates as they grapple with how to deal with increasing levels of <br />conflicts in the schools that often result in violence. <br />Program Goal: State the effect that the program is designed to have on solving the problem described above. <br /> <br /> The long-term goals are as follows with more specific short-term goals and objectives for obtaining those goals attached: <br /> · To protect the conununity. <br /> · To increase the capacity of the community's youth to become responsible and productive citizens. <br /> · To offer the community the option of Teen Court as an alternative to the traditional court system in order to affect <br /> positive changes in the attitudes and behaviors of the youth referred to the program. <br /> <br />Target Population: Describe the target population and the steps that the program has taken to insure that the target population is served. <br />The program will not deal with chronic, serious, or violent offenders. The target group will be youth who have committed <br />certain misdemeanor offenses, or exhibited truant behavior, as a result, facing the possibility of being formally <br />charged/petitioned. They must be enrolled in school, not involved in a long-term suspension or expulsion, admit <br />responsibility for the offense, and accept the sentence imposed by a jury of their peers. Referrals will come from Juvenile <br />Services, law-enforcement ( especially School Resource Officers ), and school personnel. A Coordinator will coordinate the <br />activities/services of the program and will work with the Advisory Board to insure that a referral process is put in place that <br />adequately targets this group of youth before negative behavior becomes chronic. <br /> <br />Measurable Objective(s): State in measurable terms the intended effect of the program on specific undisciplined and/or delinquent <br />behaviors. At a minimum, state anticipated reductions in court referrals, runaway behavior, and school suspensions and expulsions. <br /> <br /> · See the attached information which was recently submitted to the Administrative Office of the Courts with an <br /> application for a legislative Teen Court appropriation. <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement: Lisl the data elements and records the program will maintain to <br />document its effectiveness. <br /> <br /> The Coordinator will maintain participant files to include: program referral forms, intake assessment forms, release forms, <br /> liability waivers with regard to community service performed, sentencing dispositions, documentation of sentence <br /> compliance monitoring by the Coordinator, referrals to other community services and any progress made in the juvenile's <br /> behavior, copies of pre-program and post-program participation questionnaires to ascertain the effectiveness of Teen Court <br /> and Resolve for all participants, including youth volunteers, confirmation information to referring sources of program <br /> compliance/non-compliance, case termination documentation, documentation from referring sources and the juveniles' <br /> families of post-program behaviors at home and at school and to gather their input as to program effectiveness. <br /> <br /> <br />