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The timetable for developing and implementing Teen Court and Resolve includes convening the Teen Court Advisory Board by <br />3/31/98, hiring a Teen Court and Youth Services Coordinator by 6/1/98, implementation of the Teen Court referral process by 8/15/98, <br />scheduling the first Teen Court session by 9/15/98, implementation of the Resolve referral process by 9/15/98, and beginning the first <br />Resolve eight week session by 10/15/98. <br /> <br />The CCMC feels that Teen Court fits the CBA definition ora prevention program in that its primary purpose is to divert youth <br />the juvenile justice system by offering services to those youth who have demonstrated negative behaviors or may be subject to a home <br />and community environment that is conducive to entry into the judicial system. The use of youth volunteers is to capitalize on positive <br />peer pressure as youth oRen relate easier to people in their own age group. Resolve fits the CBA definition ora guided growth <br />program as it is a non-residential program that provides a structured service plan of learning on a group basis for the purpose of <br />improving the participants' self-esteem, social conscience, personal enrichment, and social growth and development. Teen Court will <br />also address the issue of restitution to victims by youth either through participation in the existing Juvenile Restitution Program or <br />through mediation used in conjunction with Teen Court. <br /> <br />Based upon its mission, organizational structure, and the experience and educational level of its staff and volunteers, the CCMC is <br />well-suited to offer these services to the community. The CCMC is proud to be of service to a community known for a high level of <br />concem for its constituents, especially the community's youth. <br /> <br />See attachments as were prepared for the Teen Court legislative appropriation application: Teen Court Goals, Teen Court <br />Objectives, and Teen Court and Youth Services Coordinator Job Description. <br /> <br /> <br />