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Comprehensive Teen Court Plan <br /> <br />Corporation: Cabarrus County. Mediation Center Incorporated <br /> <br />Judicial District: 19A Fiscal Year: 1997-98 <br /> <br />jury and they will receive instruction in how to apply the grid prior to the hearing, as well as, <br />receive training in their duties and responsibilities. The sentences will include, but are not <br />limited to, referrals to other community services, participation in Resolve, restitution, community <br />service, a curfew, and service as a juror on a number of subsequent Teen Court juries. The <br />program specific objectives are as follows: <br /> <br /> Long-Term Goal: To protect the community <br /> Short-Term Goal: To hold first-time youth offenders accountable for their negative <br /> behavior. <br /> Process Objective: To convene Teen Court Sessions once per month beginning in <br /> November of 1998 in order to conduct hearings for 42 youth <br /> offenders in FY 98/99. <br /> Process Objective: To schedule all accepted Teen Court referrals within eight weeks <br /> of referral. <br /> Process Objective: To develop and implement an effective means of monitoring <br /> <br /> sentence compliance and for reporting non-compliance promptly <br /> to the referring party. <br /> <br /> Outcome Objective: That of the 42 youth offenders who attend their Teen Court <br /> <br /> hearing, 36 will successfully complete their sentences. <br /> Outcome Objective: That 85% of all restitution payments ordered in FY 98/99 will be <br /> <br />Page 3a <br /> <br /> <br />