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RESOLUTION <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF CABARRUS <br />COUNTY TO PER_MIT THE CITY OF KANNAPOLIS TO EXERCISE EXTRATERRITORIAL <br />JIYRISDICTION VgITHIN THE AREA KNOWN AS CITY OF KANNAPOLIS ANNEXATION <br />"AREA I'. <br /> <br />WHEREAS, on June 24, 1991 the City Council of the City of Kannapolis adopted an ordinance <br />annexing an area in Cabarrus County contiguous to the City of Kannapolis known as annexation <br /> <br />WI:FE. REAS, "Area F' provides for si~,ni6cant future economic developmca~ and the further <br />expansion of the tax base which will be beneficial to both our City and County ¢iilzens; and, <br /> <br />Wmr~REAS, the increased accessib'flity created by the soon to be constructed Westside Bypass will <br />dramatically change the development potential of all of western Cabarrus County, including "Area <br />F'; and, <br /> <br />W~ERI~.AS, "Area F' will become a part of the City of Kannapolis City Limits on June 30, 1999; <br />and, <br /> <br />WHeReAS, over the past year the City of Kannapolis Community Development Departmcut has <br />reported a significant increase in inquiries realtors, land developers and property owners <br />regarding the CRy of Kannapolis' proposed zoning classifications and land development plans for <br />"Area F' including inquiries regarding the voluntary a~nexation of properties in "Area F' prior to it <br />becoming part of the Karmapolis City Limits on June 30, 1999; and, <br /> <br />WI~I~,~S, the vast rnajo~y of the land in "Area I" is currently undeveloped and Cabarrus County <br />has the majority of this land zoned for low and medium density residential uses and such residential <br />development on certain large tracts of land may preclude the development of more appropriate <br />industrial or business parks; and, <br /> <br />WHEI~I~.A.S, there exists a very positive environmea~ among the local governments Of Cabarrus <br />County and all of these govcn~ment entities are participating in a wide array of cooperative and <br />coordinated efforts aimed at reducing costs, providing better public service and improving the overall <br />quality of life of our County for the next century; and, <br /> <br />WI~I~EAS, the City of Kannapolis, while participating in and fully supporting the preparation of <br />a multi-jurisdictional Unified Development Ordinance 0.1DO) which includes all juri.sdictions in <br />Cabarrus County, the City recognizes this Ordinance will not l~ completed for at least one year <br />during which "Area F' will not enjoy the be~Cli~ of the improved development standards anticipated; <br /> <br />WI~REAS, continued application of non-urban development standards and codes currently being <br />implemented by Cabarrus County 1/kely will result in an increase in regulatory nonconfomfifies that <br />the City of Karmapolis will have to address when "Area I" becomes part of the City of Karmapolis <br />City Limits on June 30, 1999~ and, <br /> <br /> <br />