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§ 136-44.7 N.C. Transportation and Highway Laws <br /> program shall be adopted by the Board of Transportatlon before it shall <br /> become effective. <br /> (b) When a secondary road in a county is listed in the first 10 <br /> secondary roads to be paved during a year on a priority list issued by the <br /> Department of Transportation under this section, the secondary road <br /> cannot be removed from the top 10 of that list or any subsequent list <br /> until it is paved. All secondary roads in a county shall be paved, insofar <br /> as possible, in the priority order of the list. When a secondary road in <br /> the top 10 of that list is removed from the list because it has been paved, <br /> the next secondary road on the priority list shall be moved up to the top <br /> 10 of that list and shall remain there until it is paved. <br />~'~6-44.8. Submission of secondary roads construction <br />programs to the Boards of County Commissioners. <br /> (al The Department of Transportation shall post in the county court- <br /> house a county map showing tentative secondary road paving projects <br /> rated according to the priority of each project in accordance with the <br /> criteria and standards adopted by the Board of Transportation. The map <br /> shall be posted at least two weeks prior to the public meeting of the <br /> county commissioners at which the Department of Transportation rep- <br /> resentatives are to meet and discuss the proposed secondary road con- <br /> struction program for the county as provided in subsection (cl. <br /> (b) The Department of Transportation shall provide a notice to the <br /> public of the public meeting of the board of county commissioners at <br /> which the annual secondary road construction program for the county <br /> proposed by the Department is to be presented to the board and other <br /> citizens of the county as provided in subsection (c). The notice shall be <br /> published in a newspaper published in the county or having a general <br /> circulation in the county once a week for two succeeding weeks prior to <br /> the meeting. The notice shall also advise that a county map is posted in <br /> the courthouse showing tentative secondary road paving projects rated <br /> according to the priority of each project. <br /> (c) Representatives of the Department of Transportation shall meet <br /> with the board of county commissioners at a regular or special public <br /> meeting of the board of county commissioners for each county and <br /> present to and discuss with the board of county commissioners and other <br /> citizens present, the proposed secondary road construction program for <br /> the county. The presentation and discussion shall specifically include <br /> the priority rating of each tentative secondary road paving project <br /> included in the proposed construction program, according to the criteria <br /> and standards adopted by the Board of Transportation. <br /> At the same meeting after the presentation and discussion of the <br /> annual secondary road construction program, for the countv~ or at a later <br /> meeting, the board of county commissioners may (il concur in the <br /> construction program as proposed, or (ii) take no action, er till) make <br /> recommendations for deviations in the proposed construction program, <br /> except as to paving projects and the priority'of paving projects for <br /> which the board in order to make recommendations for deviations, must <br /> vote to consider the matter at a later public meeting as provided in <br /> subsection (d) ..... <br /> {d) The board of count~ commissioners ma2Cr_ecommeno uewatlons <br /> .in th~t~'~-d [h-~'p~rJtAt of paving <br /> propo~'ed secondary road construction program only ~ .aA~_u~nc meegm~ <br /> <br /> Roads and Highways § 136-44.9 <br /> <br /> ~Rer notice to the public that the board will consider making recommen- <br /> dations for deviations in paving projects and the prion~'~ oi pav~ng <br /> _Pr°Jects inctmleo, m ~ne proposed .annual secondary road construct'on- <br /> program. Notice et'the nublic meetm~ shall be published by the board of~ <br /> Coun.~ enmrni~inn~,r~ i-n a newsnaper published in the cou'nty orhaving- <br /> a general circulation in the coufity. After disc-s~ion by the members oW <br /> t.~he board of county commissioners and commen~ and in£orma~n <br /> _p_~.sented by other citizens of the county, the board et county comrnl~- - <br /> ._sloPers may recommend deviations m tile pavxn$ projects ann in [he <br /> ._~aving priority of secondary road projects included in the pro~..~ed <br /> 2econch~ry road construction program. Any recommendatmn ma~¥ the <br />/__~b~oard of count7 commi~fOr a deviation liFtne pawng orojects or <br /> in the priority tbr pamng {~'OJ~rcts in-the proposed secondary road con- <br /> struction ero_~r~shall state the specilm reason for each such deviatio~ <br /> recommended. <br /> --(~' The Board of Transportation shall adopt the annual secondary <br /> construction program for each county after having given the board of <br /> county commissioners of each county an opportunity to review the <br /> proposed construction program and to make recommendations as pro- <br /> vided in this section. The Board of Transportation shall consider such <br /> recommendations insofar as they are compatible with its general plans, <br /> standards, criteria and available funds, but having due regard to devel- <br /> opment plans of the county and to the maintenance and improvement <br /> needs of all existing roads in the county. However, no consideration shall <br /> be given to any recommendation by the board of county commissioners <br /> for a deviation in the paving projects or in the priority for paving <br /> secondary road projects in the proposed construction program that is not <br /> made in accordance with subsection (d). <br /> (fi The secondary road construction program adopted by the Board <br /> of Transportation shall be followed by the Department of Transportation <br /> unless changes are approved by the Board of Transportation and notice <br /> of any changes is given the board of county commissioners. The Depart- <br /> ment of Transportation shall post a copy of the adopted program, <br /> including a map showing the secondary road paving projects rated <br /> according to the approved priority of each project, at the courthouse, <br /> within 10 days of its adoption by the Board of Transportation. The board <br /> of county commissioners may petition the Board of Transportation for <br /> review of any changes to which it does not consent and the determination <br /> of the Board of Transportation shall be final. Upo~ request, the most <br /> recent secondary road construction programs adopted shall be submitted <br /> to any member of the General Assembly. The Department of Transpor. <br /> ration shall make the u~nnual construction program for each county <br /> available to the newspapurs having a general circulation in the coun_ty. <br /> §136-44.9. Secondary roads; annual statements. <br /> The Department of Transportation shall, before the end of the calen- <br /> dar year, prepare and file with the board of county commissioners a <br /> Statement setting forth ~il each secondary highway designated by num- <br /> ber, located in the county upon which the paving or improvement was <br /> made during the calendar year; (ii) the amount expended for improve- <br /> meats of each such secondary highway during the calendar year; and (Jill <br /> the nature of such impr,vements. The Department of Transportation, in <br /> its annual report, shall report on each secondary road construction <br /> <br /> <br />