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Art. [V, § 1 CABARRUS COUNTY CODE <br /> <br />guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable <br />by a fine not to exceed $1,000.00, imprisonment <br />not to exceed six months, or both. The board of <br />commissioners may, for good cause shown, com- <br />promise or forgive the penalties imposed by this <br />subsection. <br /> <br /> Ie) Use and disposition of revenue. Cabarrus <br />County shall remit 100 percent of the net pro- <br />ceeds of the occupancy tax to the Cabarrus County <br />Tourism Authority established under section 2 of <br />this act. As used in this act "net pr. oceeds" means <br />gross proceeds less the direct cost to the county of <br />administering and collecting the tax, not to ex- <br />ceed five percent of the amount collected. The au- <br />thority may expend occupancy tax revenue re- <br />mitted to it by the county during a fiscal year, and <br />any other revenue it receives, only to develop or <br />promote tourism, tourist-related support services <br />and facilities, tourist-related events, tourist- <br />related activities, or tourist attractions. The <br />Cabarrus County Finance Officer shall distribute <br />the amounts due the authority at least monthly. <br />(f) Effective date of levy. A tax levied under this <br />act shall become effective on the date specified in <br />the resolution levying the tax. That date must be <br />the first day of a calendar month, however, and <br />may not be earlier than the first day of the second <br />month after the date the resolution is adopted. <br /> <br /> (g) Repeal A tax levied under this act may be <br />repealed by a resolution adopted by the Cabarrus <br />County Board of Commissioners. Repeal of a tax <br />levied under this act shall become effective on the <br />first day of a month and may not become effective <br />unt/1 the end of the fiscal year in which the repeal <br />resolution was adopted. Repeal of a tax levied <br />under this act does not affect a Liability for a tax <br />that at~ached before the effective date of the re- <br />peal, nor does it affect a right to a refund of a tax <br />that accrued before the effective date of the re- <br />peal. <br /> <br />Sec. 2. Establishment, appointment, and du- <br /> ties of Cabarrus County Tourism Au- <br /> thority. <br /> <br /> (a) Establishment and membership. When the <br />Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners adopts <br />a resolution levying a room occupancy tax pur- <br />suant to this act, it shall establish and create the <br /> <br />Cabarrus County Tourism Authority composed of <br />nine members, with seats on the authority num- <br />bered one through nine, all of whom shall be ap- <br />pointed by the board, selected as follows: <br /> <br /> (1) Seats 1, 4, and 7 shall be selected by the <br /> board at large and shall include, but not be <br /> limited to, at least one member of the board <br /> or the Cabarrus County Manager; <br /> <br /> (2) Seats 2, 5, and 8 shall be appointed by the <br /> board from a list of at least three persons <br /> submitted by the Concord-Cabarrus <br /> Chamber of Commerce; and <br /> <br /> (3) Seats 3, 6, and 9 shall be appointed by the <br /> board from a list of at least three persons <br /> submitted to the board by the Kannapolis <br /> Chamber of Commerce. <br /> <br /> (b) Terms of office. Except as otherwise pro- <br />vided in the schedule set forth below, the term of <br />office of each member of the authority shall be <br />three years. The terms shall be staggered so that <br />after the initial members of the authority are ap- <br />pointed, three members are appointed each year, <br />implemented as follows: <br /> <br /> (1) Seats 1, 2, and 3 shall be appointed ini- <br /> tially for one year, and thereafter for three <br /> years. <br /> <br /> (2) Seats 4, 5, and 6 shall be appointed ini- <br /> tially for two years, and thereafter for three <br /> years; and <br /> <br /> (3) Seats 7, 8, and 9 shall be appoint?d ini- <br /> tially for three years, and thereafter for <br /> three years. <br /> <br /> (c) Powers and duties of the authority. In addi- <br />tion to any other powers and duties of the au- <br />thority otherwise conferred by law, the authority <br />may contract with any person, firm, corporation, <br />or agency to assist it in the promotion of travel <br />and tourism and to carry out the purposes identi- <br />fied in section l(e) of this act. The authority may <br />accept contributions from any source to be used <br />for the purposes stated in section (1)(e) Of this act. <br />On or before April 1 of each year after the levy of <br />the tax authorized in this act, the authority shall <br />prepare an annual budget based upon anticipated <br />revenues and shall submit the budget to the <br />Cabarrus County Manager for processing and ap- <br /> <br />SA:14 <br /> <br /> <br />