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Corporate Income Tax <br /> Red'uctlofl <br />The corporate income tax will be reduced from 7.75% to 6.9% over four years (to 7.5% in 1997, 7.25% in 1995, <br />7.00% in 1999, and 6.90% in 2000). ' .... <br /> <br />Investment Tax Credit (Effective datec ~lugust L 1996) <br />The investment tax credit equals 7% of the excess value (above the applicable threshold) of machinery and <br />equipment placed in service in NC by eligible new or expanding firms. The credit is taken ia equal installments' <br />over the seven years after the machinery and equipment is first placed in service (generally when it is capitalized <br />on the books). The "enterprise factors" of the county in which the firm operates determines the threshold value: <br /> <br />· Tier I (10 most distressed counties) $0 <br />· Tier 2 (Next I5 counties) $100,000 <br />· Tier 3 (Next 25 counties) $200,000 <br />· Tier4 (Next 25 counties) $500,000 <br />· Tier 5 (Next 25 counties) $1,000,000 <br /> <br />Job Creation Tax Credit (Effective date: August 1, 1996) <br />The legislation increases an existing credit for job creation and expands it from 50 to all 100 counties. Firms <br />with at least five full-time employees working 40 or more weeks during the taxable year can take a credit for <br />each new job created, taken in equal installments over four years. The Enterprise Factor of the area in whkh the <br />.jobs are createad determines the amount of mx credit perjob: <br /> <br />· Tier i (10 most distressed counties) $12,500 <br />· Tier2 (Next 15 counties) $4,000 <br />· Tier 3 (Next 25 counties) $3,000 <br />· Tier4 (Next 25 counties) $1,000 <br />· Tier 5 (Next 25 counties) $500 <br /> <br />Worker Training Tax Credit (Effective date: July I, 1997). <br />Firms eligible for the job creation or investment tax credit can take a credit of 50% (up to $500 credit value for <br />each employee trained) against eligible training expenses if the finn provides training for five or more <br />employees. If the firm is located in Tier l the maximum credit is $l,000 per employee. <br /> <br />Research and Development Tax Credit (Effective date: July 1, 1996) <br />The R&D tax credit enables firms that qualify for the federal Research and Experimentation Tax Credit to take a <br />state tax credit equal to 5% of the state's apportioned share of the taxpayer's expenditures for R&D. <br /> <br />Additional Benefits for "Tier 1" Firms <br />In addition to higher job creation and worker training tax credits, firms locating in Tier 1 counties receive access <br />to a special utilities fund, priority status for CDBG Economic Development grants, and waiver of local match <br />requirements for CDBG Economic Devel0P,~ent grants and Industrial Development Fun. d loans and grants. <br /> <br />Business Property Tax Credit (Effective date: August I, 1996) <br />The credit equals 4.5% of tangible persona. I business property capitalized.under the tax code, up to a maximum <br />single-year credit of $4,500. The credit is t~:ken in five equal installments beginning in the taxable year the <br />property is placed in service. Note: dJ. LbuMness sectors are eligible far this credit. <br /> <br />Alt ta~ credits can be taIcen against the income ar franchise tax and have afire year carry-forward for each <br />eligible year. The total value of credits cannot exceed 50~ of annual tax liability~ £1igible firrn$ are in <br />manufacturing and processing, warehousing and distribution, and data processing industries and pay ar leasr <br />110% of the crverage county wage. ~- ~- <br /> <br /> <br />