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D..Performance requirements <br />· If the taxpayer moves jobs .~rom one tier to another within the four' year period, the <br /> remaining installments are based on the credit amount in the tier to which the jobs <br /> are relocated. <br />· If the level of employment falls below the number in the year the taxpayer qualified <br /> for the credit, the credit expires. <br /> <br />I' V. Worker Training'['ax Credit " ': · '" ' '; <br /> <br />A. Basics of the credit <br />· A taxpayer that provides worker training for five or more eligible employees during <br /> the taxable year is allowed a credit equal to 50% of its eligible expenditures <br />· The maximum credit allowed is $1000 per employee in year one and $500 <br /> elsewhere <br />· The credit is effective for training expenses incurred after July 1, 1997 <br /> <br />B. Special definitions <br />· Eligible training expenditures: Expenditures for training that would be eligible for <br /> expenditure or reimbursement under the New and Expanding Industry Program. <br />· Eiigible employee: Employee in position not classified as exempt under the Fair <br /> Labor Standards Act (essentially production, clerical, technical positions). <br />· Location of position; same as for Job Creation Tax Credit. <br />· Eligible taxpayer: Eligible for training workers in location for which the taxpayer <br /> qualified for the investment Tax Credit, or for positions that quaiified for the Job <br /> Creation Tax Credit. <br /> <br />C. Role of the Community College in determining eligibility <br />· The Department of Community College certifies that the proposed training meets the <br /> requirements; <br /> - the employee [s not classified as exempt under the FLSA; and <br /> - the training expenditures are eligible under the new and expanding industry <br /> program. <br />· The taxpayer must submit to'the Department of Community Colleges a training plan <br />and informatiorl to enable the Department to determine eligibility for the above <br />requirements. <br />· The Department of Community Colleges issues a certificate that state eligibility and <br />the location of the worker training. <br /> <br />D. Performance requirements <br />· No special requirements other than general performance requirements. <br /> <br />De;~elopers' Presentation ~ <br /> <br /> <br />