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the type of commercial/retail activities included with the proposed project: <br />the potential stimulus the project creates for additional commercial/retail <br />development to occur with the immediate area; <br />site specific issues that k.l,act upon local in~'asuucture rcsponm'bilities; <br />other issues that may need to be considered relative to an individual project. <br /> <br />PROJECT OUALII~ICATIONS <br /> <br />To be considered eligible for a commercial/retail development incentive grant a project <br />should be requ/red to meet certain minimum criteria. These c,i£eria are to be used as <br />guidelines in project evaluations. Additional cLiteria may be applied to a specific project <br />based upon the teL'ms of the agreement between the commereialketail developer and the <br />civ. <br /> <br />m~nl,mnm size of the project to quality for consideration: <br />Level I gram - 250,000 square feet of gross leasable area <br />Level II gr-ant - 500,000 square feet of gross leasable area <br />Level llI grant - 1,000,000 square feet of gross leasable area or greater <br />lvfinimnm retafl sales generated must equal or exceed $200 per square foot of <br />gross leasable area <br />Level I grant - will be "an amount equal to" up to 25% of the local option 1 cent <br />and two local option 1/2 cent sales tax generated by the project for a period not <br />to exceed five full years of operation <br />Level 11 grant - will be "an amount equal to" up to 50% of the local option 1 cent <br />and two local option 1/2 cent sales tax generated by the project for a period not <br />to exceed five full years operation <br />Level III it-ant - will be "an amount equal" up to 75% of the local option I cent and <br />two Iocal option 1/2 cent sales tax generated by the project for a period not to <br />exceed five full years of operation <br />Under no circnmqances will the incentive grant payments be fled to the local <br />property taxes to be generated by the project and all property taxes to be paid by the <br />new or expanrling commercial/retail development must be paid in full and kc'pt <br />current dmiag the period that the CfRDI grant remains in effect <br />The developer (grant recipient) shall require all t~nants of the project to provide the <br />City complete and accurate retail sales and local option sales tax payment information <br />The Cky sha~ secure the confidentiality of that information in reco~ition of the <br />proprietary nature of the data withih the parameter authorized under state law. <br />Commercial/retail development incentive grant benefits may not be ix~n~ferred or <br />othem4se .conveyed to another party without the specific consent of thc City <br />Council and other contracthlg agencies. <br />Ail commercial/retail development incentive grant benefits are designed to be Ii.keri <br />directly to local option sales tax revenues received by the CIV atm~utable directly to <br />the development of specific project. Failure of the project or its tenants to provide <br />accurate sales information or to actually forward payment of collected sales tax <br /> <br /> <br />