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1~: l~ilip MorrisI. LS.A. <br /> <br />Dca' Blai~. <br /> <br />Pursuent to tho Memorand~ of Understsrglin$ dated <br />September 22, 1998 and subsequent to the Property Tax <br />Commission's Consent Order entered on September 25, 1998, <br />Cibamm Co~t~ he~ releases 011 penalties for t1~ 1990-97 <br /> <br />U.S.A. pursuant to O.S. § 105-312(k). <br /> <br /> Should the Commini~ apptoye this iWn. please forward to me a calitled copy of <br />the minutes on ~hit item, whioh I will ~orward ~o Philip Morris' nttorfleyt <br /> <br />w~ ~ w~dm, <br /> <br />CCM:act <br /> <br />~ · <br /> <br />SO~-~$.~OO 704.$56.~600 <br /> <br />~rr~nt.~tO <br />~4-$91-2030 <br /> <br />* FIt~w. tR~'r <br /> 011..4~.~196-7500al <br /> <br /> <br />