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tCASA~USCOUN~I <br /> <br />Memo <br /> <br />To: <br />From: <br />Date: <br />Re: <br /> <br />John D. Day, Deputy County Manager <br />John Page, General Services Director~ <br />October 12, 1998 <br />Replacement of generator, water heaters, boiler and installation of <br />backflow devices for Sheriff Department and Courthouse. <br /> <br />In fiscal year 1998 we had funds designated for the replacement of the Courthouse boiler <br />and generator in the amount of $31,600. We did not complete that project because of the <br />relocation of the emergency operations center (EOC) from the Cooperative Extension <br />building on Cabarrus Ave. to the Sheriff's Department late last fiscal year. <br /> <br />It was determined that the twenty-eight year old generator currently in use at the Sheriff's <br />Department did not supply adequate power to meet FEMA requirements for the EOC. <br /> <br />Since the generator serving the courthouse was also slated for replacement due to age and <br />inadequate power supply, our engineers suggested we provide specifications and take <br />bids for separate generators for both buildings, and alternately, for one generator to serve <br />both buildings. <br /> <br />The alternate plan calling for one generator to serve both buildings is $13,000 less than <br />installing two. The new generator will be housed outside of the Sheriff's Department. A <br />wall in the Sheriff's Department basement will be removed and relocated. One side will <br />be used for the necessary additional electrical connections for emergency power for both <br />buildings. <br /> <br />The expanded space on the other side will be used for the installation of backflow <br />prevention devices on the water lines of both buildings, which are required by a City of <br />Concord ordinance. These devices are not budgeted. Additionally, the bid specifications <br />included two new water heaters and a storage tank for the SheriW s Department building. <br />This component of the project is much more cost effective if done at the time of the <br />installation of the backflow prevention devices, rather than at a later date. Funds for this <br />work were not included in the budget because the engineering was not completed in time. <br /> <br />The low bids for the complete project total $126,394. While each component of this <br />project is essential, some could be delayed, resulting in a higher cost later. <br /> <br />Your consideration of this project and approval of the budget amendment is greatly <br />appreciated. <br /> <br /> Office of the County Manager <br />P. 0 Box 707 · Concord, NC 28026-0707 ° (704) 788-8100 ° Charlotte 375-0829 <br /> <br /> <br />