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occupancy in the Project and provides public notice of the "Grand Opening" date). In the <br />event that the Developer fails to deliver such notice within said 12-month period, it shall <br />be deemed that the Commencement Date is the first day of the first calendar [fiscal] <br />quarter after expiration of said 12-month period. The grants shall not exceed five (5) <br />years in length and the grant period will be completed not later than seven (7) years alter <br />its award (date of action on agreement by the County) to allow for construction and <br />business start-up. <br /> <br /> (d) Land Purchase/Public Exhibition Facility. Within the scope of <br />negotiations leading up to this agreement, discussions have occurred that provide the <br />opportunity for the Tourism Authority to acquire by purchase (under a separate <br />agreement) adjacent property intended to provide a site for a potential future public <br />exhibition facility to be owned and operated by the Tourism Authority. The Tourism <br />Authority (by this agreement) shall not be bound to purchase the property or construct the <br />public exhibition facility as a party to this contract. Site conditions, restrictions and/or <br />suitability along with market elements may lead the Tourism Authority to reject the <br />proposed site purchase; or even after a site purchase is complete, the Tourism Authority <br />may choose to build the public exhibition facility at another yet to be identified location <br />determined by the Tourism Authority to represent a more suitable location for a public <br />exhibition facility. <br /> <br />SECTION 3: Sales Tax and Room Occupancy Tax Reporting (Incentive Grant <br /> Program ReqniremenO. <br /> (a) Information From Developer and/or Marriott. In order to facilitate the <br /> development of the Project and the Premises, the Developer, the City, the County and the <br /> <br />Filename - S\Planning~Ineentive Grant ^greement.doc <br /> <br />-7- <br /> <br />Revised 11/9/98 <br /> <br /> <br />