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- Exhibit 2A <br /> <br />Each project will be dealt with on an individual basis using guidelines established under the <br />direction of the City Council and the Board of Commissioners. The guidelines for this program <br />will be subject to periodic review to be done at least every two (2) years after its adoption or <br />sooner at the direction of the County Commission or the City Council. Changing economic <br />conditions may cause the City and the County to modify, amend or even terminate the program <br />subject to compliance with any hotel/conference development incentive grants in effect at that <br />time. <br /> <br />Items for consideration in authorizing a hotel/conference center development incentive grant <br />may include but not be limited to: <br /> <br />· A guarantee of cooperation in providing conference related overflow room reservation <br /> information to Cabarrus hotel/motel operators during the period the grant is in place. Details <br /> to be arranged and monitored by the Cabarrus County Tourism Authority; <br />· the size of the project based upon investment in site development, facilities and <br /> infrastructure; · ' <br /> <br />· the quantity and quality of employment opportunities created by the project; <br />· the size, nature and mix of meeting/conference spaces and support facilities; <br />· the potential stimulus the project creates for additional commercial, office and retail <br /> development to occur within the immediate area; <br />· the potential stimulus the project creates for maximizing non-resident expenditures by <br /> visitors within Concord and Cabarrus County that will benefit the public and private <br /> economies; <br />· site specific issues that impact upon local infrastructure responsibilities; <br />· other issues that may need to be considered relative to an individual project. <br /> <br />IlL PROJECT QUALIFICATIONS <br /> <br />To be considered eligible for a commercial/retail development incentive grant as a <br />hotel/conference center development, a project shall be required to meet certain minimum <br />criteria. These criteria are to be used as guidelines in project evaluations. Additional criteria may <br />be applied to a specific project based upon the teLms of the agreement between the <br />hotel/conference center developer and the City and/or County. <br /> <br />Minimum size of the project to qualify for consideration: <br /> Level I H/CCD Grant projects shall include a minimum of 300 rooms and 30,000 <br /> square feet of dedicated meeting/conference space, including a main ballroom of <br /> 15,000 square feet or more. Level I projects shall meet the C/RD Incentive Grant <br /> Program Level I requirement for floor area of 250,000 square feet. Such floor area shall <br /> not be gross leasable area, but shall include the gross floor area of the combined hotel <br /> and conference center buildings. <br /> Level II H/CCD Grant projects shall include a minimum of 500 rooms and 50,000 <br /> square feet of dedicated meeting/conference space, including a main ballroom of <br /> 25,000 square feet or more. Level II projects shall meet a requirement for floor area of <br /> 500,000 square feet. Such floor area shall not be gross leasable area, but shall include <br /> the gross floor area of the combined hotel and conference center buildings. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br /> <br />