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proposed cxpausion lnOjeCt to be completed by FCI. A copy of the Cabarms County Tax <br />Assessor's record for the actual, real and personal property asscasracnt for FCI's faailities <br />within thc project area as 01'.Tanuary 1, 1998 are attached hereto as zFAh~.JLI~. The intent <br />of the Proi/,' is that the City and Comity will always see positive fl-,mcial benefit <br />associated with each project. The Programs are designed to ensure that the City and <br />County see increases in property tax basc and other various local government revenue <br />resources as benefits from the Program. <br /> <br /> 1.$ FCI Re_~orts. After FCI shall have qualified for a Cuant <br />and shall have notified the City and County of its election to begin the r,~Itial Grant <br />Period or a Subsequcnt Grant Period for such Grant, as the case may be, FCI shaT]~ during <br />the five-year pcriod of such Grant, send to the City Man~er and the County Manager, at <br />the time FCI makes/ts annual property tax payments, cach Of the fOllow/ng: <br /> <br /> (i) a summary rcport confirming the current employment levels <br />of FCI at the Propcn'y; <br /> <br />(ii) the average salary of thc employees of I~CI at the Property; and <br /> <br /> (iii) a copy of the receipt for such property tax payment <br />and any accompanying correspondence. <br /> <br /> 1.6 Grant Payments. Thc City and the County agree that thc <br />C-rant payments ~o be made to FCI each year will be made on or before March 1st of eacl~ <br />calendar year ia accord,nce with other pwvhions of this Agreement. During the Ch. ant <br />award period, FCI ~ that it must remain current with all real and personal <br />property taxes assessed and any other fees. taxes or other assessments levied by the City <br />and County to remain eligible for th~ Grant. Failure to do so, may r~sult in t~rnlna~/on of <br />thc Giant award. <br /> <br /> Section 2, State Incentives. The City and thc County agree to assist <br />FCI in obtaining any iaccntives, gnmts and programs that may be or become available <br />from the State of lqorth Carolina and shall "pass through" to the benefit off FCI any <br />incentives, ~ia~ts and pro~Tams that the State of North Carolina provides to cities and <br />counties for economic development purposes. <br /> <br /> Section 3. ChaHen_ee to Incentives. As stated in the Program, no <br />change in the pm/ram al~er the date hereof shall apply to the provisions of this <br />Agreement or to the FCI Plnn,~ (as it may be amended). In the event one or more lawsuits <br />or other proceedings are brought against the City or the County or any City or County <br />elated official challenging the legality of the Orants or this Agreement or any portion <br />thereof, then the City and the County shall defend against any and all lawsuits or other <br />proceedil!gs, inclllding appealing any adverse jug2,,,~t to the appropriate Court. In the <br />event that any of thc grants, incentives or other agreements of the City or thc County arc <br />dctcrmlned to be invalid, the City and thc County agree ~ they will, to the extent <br /> <br /> <br />