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4.4 Sev~rabill_tv. I£any piovision of this Aitreement is <br />held invalid or unenforceabl~ by any court of competent jurisdiction, such holding sb~l <br />not invalidate or render unenforceable auy other pwvision of this Agreement <br /> <br /> 4.-q ~ This Agreemcnt may be cxecuted in <br />an), n-mbcr of countczparts, each of which when so cxecutcd and dclivered .~hsll be <br />deemed an original, and it shall not be necessary in nl~k~,~!t proof of ibis Atlreem_e,t to <br />produce or account for more than one such fully-cxecuted counterpart. <br /> <br /> 4.6 ~ This Agrccment is governed by and <br />shall bc consuued in accordance with the taws of thc Statc of North <br /> <br /> 4.7 ~ The captions or headings used throughout <br />~ Agreem~t arc for convenience only end in no way de~e, ~i~t, or dcacdbc thc <br />scope or intent of any provision of this Agreement <br /> <br /> 4,8 ConlidentiaH_v._ FCI, the City and thc <br />County a~knowledge that certain Exhibits to this Agreement and/or other information <br />provided by FCI pursuant to this Agreement, m~y contain FCI trnde secrets. Accordin&ly, <br />such i,~f0rmnfion will be maintained ill confidence by the City and the Cotm~, unless i~ <br />zelease is consented to in writing by FCL <br /> <br /> 4.9 Con~tru~_'on. The parties acknowledge and stipulate <br /> that this Agreement is the product of mu~_~! negotiation and bargaining ,,,fl ,~,~ it In~ <br /> been drafted by counsel for the pmies. As such, ~e doctrine of construction against the <br /> draiter shall ~ve no epplication to this Agreement <br /> <br />[THE REMAINDER OF Tl~.q_ PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY I,F_.FT BLANK.] <br /> <br /> <br />