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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI IC~NNAPOLIS PLANT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />T~ACT 3 <br /> <br />All thct tract or parcel of lclnd. 1~4ng and being in the City oF <br />Kmnnopoii~, No. * Townshrp. Cabmrru$ County, North Ccroli~o <br />containing 2,36 cores, more or Jess, and be[ma more particularly <br />described os follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning ct the N.C.G.S, Monument 'K<~nnopalis" having NAD 27 State <br /> Plcne Coordinates N: 6~3,604.26. E: 1,519.842.~1, s~id point being <br /> the POINT OF COMMENCEMENT; thence, S40'34'47"W ~ dis~o~ce oF <br /> 4877.18' to e point marked by m PK hall which is the cen(erline <br /> intersection of North Main Street, U.S. Hwy. 29-A and West Firs~ <br /> Street; thence, alan9 the cen(erline of North Main Street <br /> N~8'53'22"E o distance o~ 390.00' to a point: thence, along the <br /> contort[ne o¢ Nor(h Main S~ree[ N29'34'59"E a distance of 503.79' <br /> to ~ point, sold point being (he POINT 0F BEGINNING; thence, clang <br /> (ne center(ina oF North Mqin Stree~ N28'46"53'E o distcnce of <br /> 489.47' to a pain(: (hence. aton9 the southwest property llne oF <br /> Tract ¢ S81'07'43"E a d~stance of 209.51' to ~ poin~ in the <br /> 9en~er[ine oF the southbound troc~ oF Sou(horn Railroad; thence, <br />· clang the centeriine oF (he southbound (rac~ of Southern ~=ilromd <br />S25'45'09'W ¢ dis~mce o~ 490,00' to c po~nt; ~hence, o~cng the <br />nortmeds[ proper~y ~ine OF Tract 2 NCQ'58'58"W a distance of <br /> 209.52' to a poln~ in the cen(erline of Nor(h Mcin Street said <br /> poi~: acing the POINT OF SEOiNN[N0, <br /> <br />B-5 <br /> <br /> <br />