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EXHIBIT B <br /> <br />FCI KAINNAPOLIS PLANT 1 - REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />TRAC~ 5 <br /> <br />Alt thai: tract or parcel o¢ land, lying and being in the City <br />Kannc:palls, No. 4. Township. Cabarrus County. North Carolina <br />containing 4.,88 acres, more or less, cnd being more pcrticulorly <br />described as follows: <br /> <br /> Beginning at: the N.C.G.S. Monument "Konnopolis" having NAD 27 <br /> Plane Coordlnates N: 64.5,804.2t5, E; 1,51g,84.2.4-I, said paint being <br /> ~e POINT 0F COMMENCEMENT; thence, S40'34'47"W o distance o~ <br /> &677.18' to o point marked by o PK nail which is ~he centerline. <br /> intersection O¢ North Main Street, U.S, Hwy. 29-A and West F~rst <br /> .Street', thence, along t~e centedine of North Moi~ Stree~ <br /> N28'53'22"E o distance of 3g0,00' to o poin~; thence, along [he <br /> centerfine of North Main Street N29'34'59"E o distance of 503.79' <br /> to o point; thence, along ~he centerline of North Main Street <br /> N28'¢8'53'~ o distance o¢ 892,37' (oo point, said point being <br /> ~e POINT OF BEGINNING: thence, along the centerline o~ North <br /> S~reet N28'46'53"W o distcnce of 1OSg.07' to o point; thence. <br /> ~ong (he northeast property iine of Tract 5 S5~'23'25"E o <br />'?stance o¢ 208.1~' to e point in the centedine of ~he southbound <br /> track of Sou~her~ Reilrood; thence, along the cemtedine o¢ the <br /> southbound ~r~ck of Southern Railroad S28'¢1'27"W a distance <br /> 895.8~' (oo point in the ce~terline o~ the southbound track of <br /> Sou(horn ~oiirofd; (hence, along the cen(erline of the southbound <br /> (rc¢X of Sou(berm ~o~irood 528'¢5'og~w c dls~a~ce cr 137.¢~' <br /> o poin~', '.hence, along t,me nor~hecst property line of Tract 4 <br /> NS]'0T¢5"W ~ distance of 209.~7' ~oo point in the oenteri~me <br /> Nor~ Main StreeL sdid pain( beim~ the POINT OF <br /> <br />B-7 <br /> <br /> <br />