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Feem AV--12 YEAR 1998 <br /> <br /> A PPI~ICATION FOR:BUSINESS PROPERTY 'TAX EXEMPTION <br /> <br />· ' County ~bac~o_~ City or Tow~ <br /> <br /> ~ of Owner .... <br /> c/o T~ De~c <br />--~tion o~ Pro~ _~ Sc ~ Z9 A S~u~h) . ~iling Addr~s ~[1 ~c ~a7 _ <br /> <br /> I~ST~U~ONS <br /> <br /> or e~usiofl imm pt~ ~ ~r~ mu~ demans~te ~at R m~ ~e ~o~ ~ui~ f~ <br /> or ~{~6~. C~ for exemp~en or ~clus[on mu~ ~ ~1~ ~nually ~lh ~e ~ot e[ [he ~n~ in <br /> <br /> ~e undem~gned owner or autho~zed repr~entat~e hereby petitions for exemptions or exclusion ~f ihe ~llowing <br /> de~d prope~. <br /> <br />( ~ 1. imported property held a[ seaport terminal 105-275(2) <br />( } 2. Special nuclear matedats 1CL5-275(6) <br /> <br />( ) 4. Mater ve~icl~ ct~_~sis'temp~mrily entering me S~ate ' <br /> for I~aving a body mounted thereon. <br />( ) ,5. Property held in ~ foreign tre. de zone <br /> <br />105-275(14) <br />105-275(23~ <br /> <br />( ) 5. Cargo containers a~d ch~sis ~sed in ocean commerce 105--275(24) <br /> <br /> ( ) L Tangible Personal Froperty shipped into this Stale for reDair 105-275(25} or service and reshipmen[ to the owner outside this State <br /> ( ) 8. Advances on fan'n products by U. S. Govt. Agency or 105-277.01 . .~. <br /> cooperative majoring association <br /> 9,816,7~3 <br /> <br />' Application only required one time unless there are addiilons to the ,oroperty ora change in ownec~hip. <br /> The above statutory dtations are for identification purposes only. <br /> Full lexis of afl exemption and classification s~a~utes are available at tl~e office of tl~e county Assessor. <br /> <br /> Under gcnalties presm"ocd by law, I hcrcby at'finn that to die t~{ Of my knowledge and Ix:lief. the s{atcmen~s in <br />application a.rc true and corrcc[ and a-c ma~lc for [hc purpose orcxcmpdn~ the property hereJn dc.scribe~ from caxation. · [ . <br />~ur[hc~ affirm lhat the ~moun~ cl~im~ on thls form ~re takcn from [he records of [he ~xpsyer ~td m~y bc verified from <br />said records. <br /> <br /> Title Telephone <br />APPROVED ~ YES ~ HO ~.~_~" ;, <br /> <br /> <br />