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It is BSL's Landlord's current plan (which is subject to change) to begin making investments <br />in the Facility on or after January 1, 1999, which is the date as of which the value of property will <br />be determined for assessment for ad valorem taxes for the fiscal year of the County beginning <br />July l, 1999 and ending June 30, 2000. If BSL's current plan does not change, BSL expects that <br />at some time during the calendar year and as a result of BSL's investment in the Facility, the <br />value of the Property for ad valorem tax purposes will be $6,746,800.00 greater than such value <br />as of January 1, 1998. If the base level investment requirement for the proposed project is met, <br />then as of January 1, 2000, BSL will have qualified for a Level I Grant. <br /> <br /> If BSL shall determine after any January 1 that it has invested sufficiently in the Facility to <br />qualify for a Grant and BSL shall before the next January 1 elect to begin the five-year period for <br />such Grant, then the County shall allow investments made by BSL in the Property after the date <br />of such election to be counted toward BSL's qualification for a separate Grant for the Facility o{ <br />for other improvements to the Property. Thus, for example, if BSL shall have invested <br />sufficiently in the Facility as of June 15, 2000 to qualify for a Grant and shall so notify the <br />County, then investments in the Facility or other improvements to the Property made by BSL <br />after June 15, 2000 shall be available to be counted toward BSL's qualification for a separate <br />Grant if BSL meets the investment requirement for consideration of a separate five-year period. <br />Investments above the grant base investment levels in the initial five-year period can be applied <br />to the remaining time still available within the initial five-year grant period for any projects that <br />fail to total to the investment required for consideration of a separate grant. <br /> <br />Adjustments to the project's base level of investment must be confirmed by written <br />acknowledgement and agreement between BSL and the County. <br /> <br /> After BSL shall have qualified for a Grant and shall have notified the County of its election to <br />begin the five-year period lot' such Gr~:,.t, BSL shall, during the five-year period of such Grant, <br />send to the County Manager, at the time it makes its annual property tax payments, each of the <br />following: <br /> <br />(i) a summary report confirming the current employment levels of__ at the Facility; <br />(ii) the average salary of the employees of__ at the Facility; <br />(iii) and a copy of the receipt for such property tax payment and any accompanying <br /> correspondence. <br /> <br /> The County agrees that the Grant payments to be made to BSL each year will be made within <br />thirty (30) days after the payment by BSL of all property taxes due to the County for such year <br />and the delivery of the other items referred to in the preceding sentences. IT IS UNDERSTOOD <br />BY ALL PARTIES THAT BSL MUST BE CURRENT IN THE PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES <br />OWED THE COUNTY AT THE TIME APPLICATION FOR A GRANT IS MADE. NO <br />GRANT WILL BE MADE BY THE COUNTY IF ALL TAX PAYMENTS ASSOCIATED <br />WITH BSL'S BUSINESS ACTIVITIES IN CABARRUS COUNTY ARE NOT PAID IN FULL. <br /> <br /> <br />