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(5) weather conditions; <br /> <br />(6) area and/or sub-area of premise involved; <br /> <br />(7) name of Alarm User's representative on premises, if any; <br /> <br />(8) identification of the responsible Alarm Business, and/or; <br /> <br />(9) unable to locate the address. <br /> <br /> (B) The responding officer or official shall indicate on the dispatch record whether the <br />dispatch was arose from a criminal offense, an attempted criminal offense, an actual fire or medical <br />emergency, or a False Alarm Dispatch. <br /> <br /> (C) In the case of an assumed False Alarm Dispatch, the responding officer(s) shall leave a <br />notice at the Alarm Site that the department has responded to a False Alarm Dispatch. The notice shall <br />include the following information: <br /> <br />(1) the date and time of response to the False Alarm Dispatch; <br /> <br />(2) the identification number of the responding officer, and; <br /> <br />(3) <br /> <br />a statement urging the Alarm User to ensure that the Alarm System is propedy <br />operated, inspected, and serviced in order to avoid fines. <br /> <br />(D) <br /> <br />For a pedod of at least one year ( or longer if required by their license) following a <br />request for dispatch to an Alarm Site, the Alarm Businesses which performs monitoring <br />services shall maintain record relating to the dispatch. Records shall include the name, <br />address of the Alarm User, the System zone(s) or point(s) activated, the time of request <br />for dispatch and evidence that prior to the request for dispatch, an attempt to vedfy was <br />made to the Alarm Site. The Alarm Administrator may request copies of such records for <br />individually named Alarm Users. <br /> <br />SECTION 10. SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REVIEWS. <br /> <br /> If the Alarm Administrator has reason to believe that an Alarm System is not being used or <br />maintained in a manner that ensures proper operation and suppresses false alarms, he/she may require <br />a conference with an Alarm User and may request the user to have the Alarm Business responsible for <br />the repair of the Alarm System present to review the circumstances of each false alarm. <br /> <br />SECTION 11. FALSE ALARM ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING FEES. <br /> <br /> (A) An Alarm User or the master permit holder for an apa[tment complex shall be subject to <br />administrative processing fees, warnings and suspension or revocation of permit depending on the <br />number of False Alarm Dispatches emitted from an Alarm System within a 12-month pedod based upon <br />the following schedule: <br /> <br />Number of False <br />Alarm Dispatches Action Taken Fees <br />1 On Site Wdtten Notice & Warning Letter #1 0 <br />2 On Site Wdtten Notice & Warning Letter #2 0 <br /> <br />~ 9 <br /> <br /> <br />