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(1) there is a false statement of a matedal matter in the application for a permit; <br /> <br /> (2) <br />Section 11 (B), or, <br /> <br />the permit holder has failed to make timely payment of a fee assessed under <br /> <br /> (B) A Person shall commit an offense if he operates an Alarm System dudng the pedod in <br />which his alarm permit is suspended or revoked. <br /> <br /> (C) Unless there is separate indication that there is a crime in progress or there is an actual <br />fire or emergency medical need, the Sheriff/Chief/or other responsible department head who has <br />command authority for the dispatch center may refuse to dispatch law enforcement, fire or emergency <br />medical response to an Alarm Dispatch at an Alarm Site for which the alarm permit is revoked, <br />suspended or has never been issued. <br /> <br /> (D) If the alarm permit is reinstated pursuant to Section 15, the Alarm Administrator may <br />revoke the alarm permit if it is determined that three (3) subsequent False Alarm Dispatches occur within <br />sixty (60) days after the reinstatement date. <br /> <br />SECTION 14. APPEAL FROM DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF A <br />PERMIT. <br /> <br /> (A) If the Alarm Administrator denies the issuance or renewal of a permit, or suspends or <br />revokes a permit, he/she shall send wdtten notice of this action and a statement of the dght to an appeal, <br />by certified mail, return receipt requested, to both the applicant or Alarm User and the Alarm Business. <br />The applicant or Alarm User may appeal the decision of the Alarm Administrator to the Alarm Review <br />Authority by filing a wdtten request for a review setting forth the reasons for the appeal within twenty <br />days after receipt of the notice from the Alarm Administrator. An Alarm Business may submit the <br />request for review on behalf of an Alarm User. <br />Filing of a request for appeal shall stay the action by the Alarm Administrator suspending or revoking a <br />permit until the Alarm Review Authority has completed the review. If a request for appeal is not made <br />within the twenty-day (20) pedod, the action of the Alarm Administrator is final. <br /> <br /> (B) The Alarm Review Authority shall conduct a formal headng and consider the evidence <br />offered by any interested Person(s). The Authority shall make a decision on the basis of a <br />preponderance of the evidence presented at the hearing including, but not limited to, certification that <br />Alarm Users have been retrained, that a defective part has been repaired or replaced, or that the cause <br />of the false alarm has been otherwise determined and corrected. The Authority shall render a wdtten <br />decision within thirty (30) days after the request for an appeal hearing is filed. The Authority may affirm, <br />reverse, or modify the action of the Alarm Administrator. The decision of the Authority is a final <br />administrative decision of the County. <br /> <br /> (C) Appeals from the Alarm Review Authority shall be to the Cabarrus County Board of <br />Commissioners. <br /> <br />SECTION 15. REINSTATEMENT OF PERMIT. <br /> <br />A Person whose alarm permit has been revoked may be issued a new permit if the Person: <br /> <br />(1) submits an updated application and pays a $100 permit fee, and; <br /> <br /> <br />