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Phase III <br />Physical Connections <br />to Middle Schools <br />and Elementary Schools <br /> <br />Executive Overview <br /> <br /> Phase III will provide the communication links to middle schools and <br />elementary schools and will enable them to become full participants in the <br />activities and fimctions previously described for the high schools. <br /> <br /> Connections to middle schools wilt be initiated in July 1999 via a <br />combination of CCS staff efforts and contracted services. The physical <br />infrastructure to include middle schools in the communications network <br />should be completed within 90 days of initiation. Time Warner is scheduled <br />to provide fiber optic connections through the Road Runner program to all <br />of our elementary schools in mid-2000. <br /> <br /> We are currently exploring an access strategy based on leased <br />lines from common carriers that will allow a more rapid connection to <br />elementary and middle schools. However, at the time Road Runner becomes <br />a reality, the costs associated with the interim strategy will be eliminated <br />because the connections will then be made through the Time Warner fiber <br />optic system rather than through leased lines. <br /> <br /> <br />