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settlement, penalty, fine (including an excise tax assessed with <br />respect to an employee benefit plan), reasonable expenses incurred <br />with respect to a Proceeding and reasonable expenses incurred in <br />enforcing the indemnification rights provided herein. "Director", <br />"officer", "employee", "committee member", and "agent" include, <br />unless the context requires otherwise, the estate or personal <br />representative of a director, officer, employee, or agent. <br />"Corporation" shall include any domestic or foreign corporation <br />absorbed in a merger which, if its separate existence had <br />continued, would have had the obligation or power to indemnify its <br />directors, officers, employees, committee members, or agents, so <br />that a person who would have been entitled to receive or request <br />indemnification from such corporation if its separate existence had <br />continued shall stand in the same position with respect to the <br />surviving corporation. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE VIII <br />IMMUNITY OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS <br /> <br />Section 1. Immunity. <br /> <br /> (a) Any person who at any time serves or has served as a <br />director of the Corporation shall not be held personally liable for <br />monetary damages arising out of an action whether by or in the <br />right of the Corporation or otherwise for breach of any duty as a <br />director. However, no such provision shall be effective with <br />respect to (i) acts or omissions that the director at the time of <br />the breach knew or believed were clearly in conflict with the best <br />interests of the Corporation, (ii) any liability under Sections <br />55A-8-32 (Loans to or guaranties for directors and officers) or <br />55A-8-33 (Liability for unlawful loans or distributions) of the <br />Act, (iii) any transaction from which the director derived an <br />improper personal financial benefit, or (iv) acts or omissions <br />occurring prior to the date the provision became effective. <br /> <br /> (b) A provision permitted by the Act in the Articles of <br />Incorporation, Bylaws, or a contract or resolution indemnifying or <br />agreeing to indemnify a'director against personal liability shall <br />be fully effective whether or not there is a provision in the <br />Articles of Incorporation limiting or eliminating personal <br />liability. <br /> <br /> (c) Any person who at any time serves or has served as a <br />director, officer, or committee member of the Corporation shall be <br />immune individually from civil liability for monetary damages, <br />except to the extent covered by insurance, for any act or failure <br />to act arising out of this service, except where the person: (1) <br />is compensated for such person's services beyond reimbursement for <br />expenses; (2) was not acting within the scope of such person's <br />official duties; (3) was not acting in good faith; (4) <br />committed gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct that <br />resulted in the damage or injury; (5) derived an improper <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br /> <br />