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ICASARRUSCOUNffl <br /> <br />Memo <br /> <br />To: Board of Commi ,Z <br />From: John D. Day <br />Date: November 10, 19'98 <br />Re: Grounds Maintenance at School Properties <br /> <br />Introduction <br /> <br />The FY 1999 Budget includes an appropriation of $466,324 for the purpose of <br />assuming grounds maintenance responsibilities for all school properties in the <br />county. This estimate is based on improving the turf at all sites (including county- <br />owned properties) and performing 24 mowing cycles per year. Assumption of <br />these responsibilities is planned to begin in January. <br /> <br />Request for Proposals; Low Bidders <br /> <br />As directed by the Board at its retreat earlier this year and during budget <br />deliberations, proposals were sought from private contractors. Over 40 RFPs <br />were sent out. Only 5 contractors responded and none of those submitted bids <br />on everything (bid tabulations are attached). <br /> <br />The Iow bids total $660,015 annually ($359,796 for mowing, $300,219 for turf <br />improvement), or $330,008 for 6 months, which is $136,316 under budget for the <br />first fiscal year. Discussions with the Iow bidders indicate the number of mowing <br />cycles required to meet our standards is more likely to be 34, rather than the <br />original bid amount of 24. Increasing the mowing cycles by 10 increases the Iow <br />bids to $809,928 annually ($509,709 for mowing, $300,219 for turf <br />improvements), or $404,965 for 6 months, which is $61,359 under budget. <br /> <br />Analysis <br /> <br />There <br />1. <br /> <br />are several issues to be considered in this matter: <br />This year's budget appropriation is more than adequate to cover the first <br />six months of the contract cost. However, in year two, the first full fiscal <br />year of operation, the contract amount exceeds the estimated in-house <br />cost by about $260,000, assuming turf improvement efforts are continued <br />at the same level by the contractors. The contract amount could be <br />lowered by reducing the level of turf improvement services. It might be <br />possible to supplement these services with the existing 4-person crew, <br /> <br /> Office of the County Manager <br /> <br />P. O. Box 707 · Concord. NC 28025-0707 · (704) 788-8100 .,, Cha. rlotte 375-0829 <br /> <br /> <br />