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600,000 square foot development would generate approximately $2.4 million <br />annually in local sales tax. The County' s share of this amount would be <br />approximately $1.68 million of which the developer would receive $840,000.00 <br />per year for five years. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Niblock, seconded by Chairman Casper with <br />Commissioners Niblock and Carpenter and Chairman Casper voting for and <br />Commissioner Barnhart voting against, the Board approved the Economic <br />Incentive Agreement among Cabarrus County, the City of Concord, Interstate <br />Combined Ventures and Zamias Services, Inc. for the development of a <br />commercial retail shopping center at King's Grant with the following changes <br />as set forth in a Memorandum dated November 2/ 1998 by the County Manager. <br /> <br />Section 1. Incentive Gran~m. Pragraph (b), ADD: <br /> "The project must begin construction (acquire building <br />permits based upon approved site plans) within twelve months of <br />the date of award of grant by the County to remain eligible. A~ <br />extension to the twelve-month period m~Y be considered by the <br />Board Of County Commissioners, but is not required." <br /> <br />Section 4. Miscellaneous, Paragraph (b), ADD: <br /> "No assignment of contracted rights within this agreement <br />shall occur without specific written consent of all parties." <br /> <br /> The Agreement, which is pursuant to the Cabarrus County <br />Commercial/Retail Development Incentive Grant Program, is on file in the <br />Office of the County Manager and hereby included by reference as a part of <br />the minutes. <br /> <br />Consideration of a Rec~uest for a Co~mercial/Retail Incentive Orant for Fourth <br />Ouarter Properties IV, Inc. for the Development of "The Pavilion at Kincs <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton reviewed the request by Fourth Quarter Properties IV, Inc. <br />for a commercial/retail incentive grant to develop the "The Pavilion at <br />King's Grant." The development would qualify for a Level I grant (25 percent <br />of the County's share of local sales tax). <br /> <br /> Mr. Leonard Soseamon of Hunter and Brown and representing Fourth <br />Quarter Properties IV, Inc. reviewed the proposal to develop a 450,000 square <br />foot commercial retail shopping center complex at King's Grant. He advised <br />the project would be a power center type development and would be a <br />complimentary type project to the Mills project. <br /> <br /> Based on projections by Mr. Sossamon, Mr. Clifton estimated County <br />property taxes on the project at $277,000.00 to $330,000.00 per year. <br />Further, he stated the project would generate approximately $1.8 million <br />annually in local sales tax. The County's share would be $1.26 million of <br />which the developer would receive $315,000.00 per year for a period of five <br />years. <br /> <br /> There was lengthy discussion regarding the proposed project, the <br />creation of additional traffic problems in the area and the five-year time <br />period for the incentives. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Barnhart stated that he had not yet had the opportunity to <br />study the proposal and therefore could not support it at this time. <br /> <br /> Commissioner Carpenter again stated for the record the need for the <br />Board to review and ~fine tune" the commercial/retail incentive grant <br />program. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Niblock, seconded by Chairman Casper with <br />Commissioners Niblock and Carpenter and Chairman Casper voting for and <br />Commissioner Barnhart voting against, the Board approved the Economic <br />Incentive Agreement among Cabarrus County, the City of Concord, and Fourth <br />Quarter Properties IV, Inc. for the development of "The Pavilion at King's <br />Grant" with the addition of the following wording at the end of Paragraph <br />2(d): <br /> <br /> "The grant period shall be five years in length but shall <br />not extend beyond seven years from the date of award by the <br />City/County without specific approval by both." <br /> <br /> <br />