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Advertisement for Sealed Bids: <br />a. The same rules apply as in purchasing (G.S. 143- <br /> <br />b. There is one modification for real property. An <br /> advertisement for sealed bids must be published in <br /> a newspaper having general circulation in the local <br /> government's area not less than 30 days before the <br /> date fixed for opening bids. <br /> <br />(Publication must occur I 0 days before the bids are <br />opened if only personal property is being sold) <br />The advertisement should generally describe the <br />property, tell where it can be examined and when <br />and where the bids will be opened, state that a five <br />percent (5%) bid deposit is required and will be <br />retained if the successful bidder fails to <br />consummate the contract, and reserve the boards' <br />right to reject any and all bids. Bids must be <br />opened in public and be recorded in the board's <br />minutes. The award should be made to the highest <br />bidder. <br /> <br />Negotiated offer, advertisement and upset bids: <br />a. The governing body may solicit or receive an offer <br /> to purchase property. <br />b. The offeror must make a deposit of five percent <br /> (5%) of the amount offered to be considered by <br /> the unit. <br />c. The offer must be advertised ten (I 0) days before <br /> the sale is consummated. The.advertisement <br /> should include a notice that within ten (10) days <br /> any person may raise the bid by not less than ten <br /> percent (10%) of the first one thousand dollars <br /> ($1,000.00) and five percent (5%) of the remainder. <br /> This additional bid is referred to as an "upset bid". <br />d. If an upset bid is received, steps b. and c. must be <br /> repeated until no further bids are received. <br /> <br />Public Auction: <br />a. The governing body must pass a resolution <br /> authorizing the sale; describing the property to be <br /> sold; and specifying the date, time, place and terms <br /> of sale. <br />b. Notice of the sale of real property must be <br /> published once at least 30 days before the sale. <br /> For personal property only, the notice must be <br /> <br /> <br />