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AG 1998 12 21
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AG 1998 12 21
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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POLICY STATEMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENT <br /> <br />'Introduction <br /> <br />Environmental issues transcend governmental boundaries and therefore require close coordination of policy <br />and action by federal, state and local governments. The aim of public policy addressing environmental <br />issues should be to protect vital natural resources, assure the public health, and to enhance sound <br />development and to protect individual property rights. <br /> <br />Count3, governments in North Carolina must play a key role in the development and implementation of <br />environmental policy. Powers delegated to the counties for protection of the public health and regulation of <br />development are important tools for carrying out measures to protect land, air and water resources. <br /> <br />State and Local Responsibilities <br /> <br />Protection of the environment must be a shared effort between the state and local govermn~nt. The <br />Association believes that the following principles should guide the relationship between the state and local <br />governments in the area of environmental protection: <br /> <br />State agencies charged with the responsibility for developing administrative rules to implement <br />federal and state environmental policies should involve local governments in the process at the <br />earliest stages of development and should proceed only aRer thorough analysis of health risks and <br />fiscal impacts. <br />If state agencies issue permits for activities affecting the environment, affected local governments <br />should be given ample opportunity to comment on all proposed permits in terms of consistency <br />with local plans and policies. <br />If state law delegates responsibility for implementation, monitoring and enforcement of <br />environmental policy to local governments, the state should provide, through law and regulation, <br />for optimum flexibility at the local level in carrying out these responsibilities. <br />State law and administrative rules should allow local governments maximum discretion in setting <br />fees for such services as inspections, issuance of permits, monitoring activities and enforcement. <br />If state law mandates that ali local governments assume new or expanded responsibilities for <br />protection of the environment that previously were considered to be discretionary activities at the <br />local level, the General Assembly should provide funding for expenditures resulting from the <br />mandate. If state law mandates that state agencies undertake environmental monitoring, activities, <br />the General Assembly provide state resources necessary to undertake these monitoring <br />responsibilities in a timely manner. <br /> <br />Balancing Development and Environmental Protection <br /> <br />All human activities have an impact on the environment. County governments believe that public policy on <br />environmental protection must recognize this fact and provide a rational balance between these interests. <br />To that end, the Association of County Commissioners believes that it is imperative that all initiatives to <br />protect the quality of our natural environment be carefully evaluated in terms of relative costs and benefits <br />and actual risks posed to human health in absence of more stringent regulation of activities addressed by the <br />policies. <br /> <br /> <br />
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