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AGREEMENT NO. 0-00-97 <br /> page 2 of 9 <br /> <br />effective until it is adopted by both the Department of <br />Transportation and the municipal governing board."; and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Section 134(a) of Title 23 United States Code states: <br /> <br /> "It is in the national interest to encourage and promote <br />the development of transportation systems, embracing various <br />modes of transportation in a manner which will efficiently <br />maximize mobility of people and goods within and through <br />urbanized areas and minimize transportation-related fuel <br />consumption and air pollution. To accomplish this objective the <br />Metropolitan Planning Organizations, in cooperation with the <br />State, shall develop transportation plans and programs for <br />urbanized areas of the State. Such plans and programs shall <br />provide for the development of transportation facilities <br />(including pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation <br />facilities) which will function as an inter-modal transportation <br />system for the State, the metropolitan areas, and the Nation. <br />The process for developing such plans and programs shall provid~ <br />for consideration of all modes of transportation and shall be <br />continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive to the degree <br />appropriate, based on the complexity of the transportation <br />problems."; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, a transportation planning process includes the <br />operational procedures and working arrangements by which short and <br />long-range transportation plans are soundly conceived and developed <br />and continuously evaluated in a manner that will: <br /> <br />1. Assist governing bodies and official agencies in <br />determining courses of action and in formulating attainable <br />capital improvement programs in anticipation of community needs; <br />and, <br /> <br />2. Guide private individuals and groups in planning their <br />decisions which can be important factors in the pattern of <br />future development and redevelopment of the area; and, <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, it is the desire of these agencies that a Memorandum of <br />Understanding dated December 6, 1985, which established a continuing, <br />comprehensive, cooperative transportation planning process, be <br />revised and updated so as to continue to comply with 23 U.S.C. 134; <br />and Sections 3(a) (2), 4(a), 5(g) (1), and 5(1) of the Federal Transit <br />Act of 1964, as amended, (49 U.S.C. 1602(a) (2), 1603(a), 1604(g) (1), <br />and 1604(1)). NOW THEREFORE the following Memorandum of <br />Understanding is made. <br /> <br /> Section 1. It is hereby agreed that the CITY OF CONCORD, CITY <br />OF KANNAPOLIS, TOWN OF CHINA GROVE, TOWN OF LANDIS, TOWN OF <br />HARRISBURG, CABARRUS COUNTY, ROWAN COUNTY, and the NORTH CAROLINA <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in cooperation with the UNITED STATES <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, will participate in a continuing <br />transportation planning process with responsibilities and <br />undertakings as related in the following paragraphs: <br /> <br /> <br />