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CURRENT POLICY <br /> <br />POLICY OF THE CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />Procedures for Appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions <br /> <br />ELIGIBILITY FOR APPOINTMENTS <br /> <br />The general policy of the Board of Commissioners shall be to limit membership of an <br />individual to one official governmental board. The Commissioners, however, reserve <br />the right to appoint an individual to more than one board under special circumstances. <br />A person serving on one board and receives an appointment to a second board shall <br />automatically be removed from the first board, unless the County Commissioners find <br />evidence of special circumstances to justify service on two boards. However, the dual <br />membership provision will not apply to the following: (1) appointments to <br />regional/area boards; (2) appointments made of a member of a board in order for that <br />person to represent that board's interest on a second board; and (3) appointments <br />made to a board by other members of the board pursuant to State Law or Local Act <br />establishing the board. <br /> <br />Except in extraordinary circumstances or where otherwise restricted by legislative <br />authority creating or authorizing the creation of County boards, committees, <br />commissions, or councils, it shall be the policy of the Board of Commissioners of <br />Cabarrus County that terms of membership on County boards, committees, <br />commissions and councils shall be staggered and that members shall not serve more <br />than six consecutive years. The preferred length of terms is three years, with terms <br />staggered such that appointments are made each year. With three-year terms, an <br />individual would normally serve a maximum of two terms. An individual whose initial <br />appointment was to fill an unexpired term shall be eligible to serve the number of full- <br />length terms other members are eligible to serve unless prior to the time for <br />reappointment that individual has already served six consecutive years. <br /> <br />Any member who fails to attend at least 75% of the regular meetings, except for <br />excused illness, or other extraordinary circumstances, of the commission, committee, <br />board or council during any one-year period shall be automatically removed from said <br />commission, committee, board, or council. Vacancies resulting from a member's <br />failure to attend the required number of meetings shall be filled as provided herein. <br />The Chairman of the commission, committee, board or council will notify the proper <br />appointing authority ifa member is absent 25% of the meetings, and an appointment <br />will be made by the appointing authority to fill that vacancy. <br /> <br />4. Eligibility requirements as outlined above will not be applicable to ad hoc committees. <br /> <br /> <br />