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METHODOLOGY TO ADDRESS SERVICE NEEDS OF <br />LOW INCOME MINORITY ELDERLY <br /> <br />GOAL: To increase participation in adult day care services by low income minority elderly <br />individuals at a rate equal or above the percentage of low income minority elderly living in <br />the county. <br /> <br /> L.I.F.E. Centers, Inc. provides services to all individuals requesting same, regardless <br />of race, sex or economic status. The services we provide are basically the same for all of <br />our clients and is provided based on individual need versus any other criteria. <br /> <br /> Currently, we are serving 15% minority and this exceeds the 13.8% minority <br />population of Cabarrus County which is reflected in the 1990 census statistics. <br /> <br /> We have and will continue to provide services to all who request and will also <br />continue to market to all areas of the community. Outreach by the L.I.F.E. Centers, Inc. <br />is ongoing by means of brochures and flyers in human service agencies and physicians <br />offices, health fairs, etc. Home visits are made by our social worker as referrals are received <br />from any source. Presentations are made to church groups, senior citizens groups, civic <br />groups and other locations as identified for the purpose of educating all citizens to this <br />valuable resource as a means to enable the frail elderly to remain in their own homes or <br />with relatives versus premature institutionalization. We will continue to collaborate with all <br />other agencies serving the elderly for referrals and supportive services to enhance the quality <br />of life for a most deserving group of our citizens in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> The L.I.F.E. Center, Inc. will continue to monitor the enrollment to be sure that all <br />funding is used to the best advantage to meet the needs of all clients and that Older <br />Americans Act funds are targeted towards low income minority individuals. <br /> <br /> <br />