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new law specifies that at least one resident of the entire ETJ regulation area must be appointed <br />(by the board of county commissioners as explained below) to the planning agency and board of <br />adjustment. <br /> <br />ETd Representalive Chosen by Board of County Commissioners. The new law specifies that the <br />ETJ representative(s) is to be chosen by the board of county commissioners. The county <br />commissioners are to hold a public hearing before selecting an 'ETJ representative and they have <br />45 days after the public hearing to make tile appointment(s). If the county commissioners fail to <br />make the appointment within 90 days after receiving a resolution from the city council <br />requesting that the appointment be made, the city council may make the appointment(s). <br /> <br />Eligibility All residents of tile ETJ have the right to apply to the board of county <br />commissioners tO serve as a representative. To be considered, ETJ residents must <br />apply at or before the public hearing held by the county commissioners (which is to <br />be advertised by a notice of hearing given once a week for at least two successive <br />calendar weeks itl a newspaper having general circulation in the ETJ area). <br /> <br />Future Addition of ETJ Representatives based on Growing Populations-- Full Fraction Rule. An <br />additional EIJ representative must be added to achieve proportional representation only when <br />the population of tile entire ETJ constitutes a full fraction of the municipality's population <br />divided by the total membership of the planning agency or hoard of adjustment. <br /> <br />City-CoimO, Plam~ing Agencie.~ & Boards (~Adjustment Membership of joint planning agencies <br />and joint boards 0f adjust,nent may be appointed as agreed upon by municipalities and counties. <br /> <br />II1. Other Provisions of the New Law <br /> <br />Other provisions appearing in the new laxv regard litigation in zoning and annexation matters. <br /> <br />Rerfltction of Time to File Suit in Zoning Actio~s (Amends G.S. 160A-364. l & G.S. <br />1-54.1; Sections 5 & 7 of the new law) <br /> <br />The new law shortens the time to file suit (statute of limitations) to challenge <br />the validity of any zoning ordinance or amendment to a zoning ordinance. <br />Previously, there was a 9 month period of time from the adoption of the <br />ordinance/amendment. The new la~v shortens this period to 2 months. <br /> <br />No Counterclaints for Lost Tax' Revenue ilt Atmexation Ordinance Appeal (Amends <br />160A-38 & 160A-50: Sections 3 & 4 of the new law) <br /> <br />Tile new law clarifies that municipalities cannot file counterclaims for lost <br />properly tax revenues caused by appeals from aunexation ordinances. This <br />provision is retroactive and became effective ou January 1, 1996. <br /> <br />IV. Conclusion <br /> <br />We urge you to revie~ your municipality's ordinances and notices to determine whether they are <br />i~ compliance with the new law. Please contact tile League if you have questions about this new <br />law or any other legislatiou. <br /> <br /> <br />